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Those who served the emperor found that the relationship between the emperor and Mr. Gu has eased since he came back from riding a horse.

 It can even be said that the reconciliation is as good as before.

 Just as no one knew why Mr. Gu got angry with the emperor after riding a horse once, no one knew how to ride a horse again and it would be fine.

 In short, the emperor is in a good mood, and everyone in the palace is also happy.

 The emperor and Mr. Gu lived a peaceful life again, "the zither and the zither are playing in harmony", they just need to wait quietly by the side.

 As for why Gu Jingyuan suddenly proposed to learn riding and archery, Long Yanzhao asked him twice later, Gu Jingyuan only said it was a whim and there was no other reason.

 It was some time after returning to the palace that Long Yanzhao heard by chance that someone was gossiping behind his back, saying that Mr. Gu didn't know how to ride a horse because he didn't want to imitate the white moonlight to make the emperor happy...

 At first The words were overheard from the mouths of the palace servants, Long Yanzhao hated people who gossip, he immediately became furious and ordered a thorough investigation, and the person who said such words was bound to be dug out.

 It's a pity that tracing the source did not find the source. It is really difficult to find out how crowded the palace is.

 Long Yanzhao could only punish those who spread the word, because there were quite a lot of talkative people, and the matter was quite big, even if Mr. Gu came out to persuade him personally, it would not help.

 The name of a tyrant is faintly about to fall on his head again.

 But Long Yanzhao is determined, so he doesn't care so much.

 In Gu Jingyuan's room, Yang Lin kowtowed sunflower seeds while drinking tea.

 When his mouth is free, he can still gossip and gossip: "I heard that the emperor has frightened the people in the palace these two days. Everyone is in danger. They are afraid that they will say something bad. Well."

 Putting his hand on the edge of the teacup, Gu Jingyuan gently held it to keep warm, and said calmly: "Although the emperor is a prince, he has been lonely and homeless since he was a child. People who have experienced like him tend to have a hot temper, and are more likely to be hot-tempered than others. Be more jealous."

 "I think it's pretty good." Yang Lin said, "It's all right now. From now on, no one will dare to gossip about you, Master Gu... Your Majesty has done a good job on this point."

 Gu Jingyuan But laugh silently.

 The smile was very weak, and he never took this kind of thing to heart.

 Even if he was thinking about it, all he could think about was: the emperor has grown up, it is good to be able to frighten the palace people.

 But not too cruel.

 Since ancient times, among the dynasties ruled by tyrants, which one is the country that is safe for the people...


 Yang Lin's voice suddenly sounded beside Gu Jingyuan.

 He hurriedly looked back and heard Yang Ershao complaining: "Why are you sneaking away? Alas, I must be too unattractive."

 "There is no charm." Gu Jingyuan smiled: "Second Young Master is too attractive." The charm is a bit dazzling, I dare not look at it."

 "...Okay, let's be serious." The second young master was amused, and then twitched a little, "Well, I'm just curious...the emperor treats you like this ...Actually, he also likes you, right?"

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