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    Although Long Yanzhao had never received any instruction in this area, he learned about Gu Jingyuan's physical condition and was able to conceive... the emperor more or less, so he began to understand some common sense in this area.

    Suddenly receiving a hint from Gu Jingyuan, the emperor was so excited that he said incoherently:

    "Isn't it possible that you have it?" The

    chest was filled with hot blood rushing up, and the throat couldn't help but become fishy again. sweet slice.

    It's just that this time the desolation and loneliness just now have disappeared, Long Yanzhao's heart is full of joy at this time, and his eyes are full of Gu Jingyuan's handsome appearance.

    Facing the emperor's instantly bright eyes, Gu Jingyuan nodded with difficulty, and gave a soft "hmm".

    I didn't even dare to look up.

    But who knows that the next moment, Long Yanzhao has already picked him up.

    "Your Majesty?" Gu Jingyuan had to look at him again, blinking and exclaiming.

    ...There are so many guards and killers around, as well as the Queen Mother...

    but Long Yanzhao can no longer take care of so much.

    The incense in Yong'an is highly poisonous. Although he and Gu Jingyuan had taken the anti-drug elixir specially refined by the genius doctor before returning to Beijing, Ah Yuan's body would not be easily poisoned, but who knew that the fragrance would be harmful to the stomach. Is there any effect on the fetus.

    He directly led Gu Jingyuan to the outside of the palace wall of Yong'an Palace, far away, and then gave Huo Linping the order to kill all the assassins that the Queen Mother secretly placed in the palace.

    Huo Linping took the order.

    Unexpectedly, when he saw the emperor hugging Mr. Gu, he thought that Lord Hou was injured in the battle just now.

    As the commander of the Forbidden Army, General Huo could only stay in the capital when His Majesty went on an expedition, but even so, none of the legends about Lord Hou's deeds fell into his ears.

    It was probably out of a kind of admiration, Huo Linping can't see the slightest harm to this Mr. Gu who has a soft appearance, but has acquired good martial arts at some time, and exists like a military god.

    ...No matter what the reason was, General Huo was so jealous at the moment, and immediately led his people to fight the group of assassins after receiving the order.

    Outside the palace wall, Long Yanzhao found a place upwind, and let Gu Jingyuan down.

    Star-like eyes swept over Gu Jingyuan's body, and then lingered on his stomach for a moment, Long Yanzhao asked again: "Ah Yuan is really all right?"

    "Yes." Gu Jingyuan nodded, his complexion had recovered usual.

    It's just because of Long Yanzhao's straightforward eyes that the tips of his ears are still slightly red.

    He didn't feel uncomfortable before, so Gu Jingyuan didn't pay much attention to his body.

    The nausea came and went quickly, and he didn't feel any discomfort at all at the moment.

    But facing Long Yanzhao's worry, he was still a little embarrassed.

    Just now the gate of Yong'an Palace was closed tightly, when Gu Jingyuan brought his people here, he was immediately stopped by the palace people of Yong'an Palace.

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