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Chapter 10 Moonlight May Be Frost on the Ground

    After the morning court on the second day, Gu Jingyuan and Long Yanzhao changed into another set of clothes together, and they walked out of the palace together.

 On the second floor of Ming'an Building by the window, Gu Jingyuan sat drinking tea with the emperor.

 "A Yuan usually comes here to sit and sit?" The waiter in the shop offered the kettle, and Long Yanzhao, who was dressed in ordinary clothes, stretched out his hand and poured tea for Gu Jingyuan, and said with a smile: "I heard that A Yuan often meets with the second son of the Yang family. Go to a teahouse to listen to music and eat wine?"

 "Young Master Long's information is wrong. Second Young Master Yang and I often go to restaurants, but it's not this one, but Yangsheng Building. Second Young Master likes the food there more."

 " Haha." Long Yanzhao smiled brightly, "Although I haven't met Mr. Yang many times, I have heard about his temperament. He is a pure and trustworthy person, and it's not bad for Ah Yuan to be friends with him."

 Gu Jingyuan gently Smiled, "Indeed."

 This place is located in the middle of the capital, and there are people coming and going downstairs, and there are endless hawkers, so it's very lively.

 There are also many talented scholars and refined scholars gathered in the building, talking with eloquence and eloquence.

 This is the place where literati and inkmen usually like to come.

 Although the Dayi Dynasty emphasized martial arts and despise literature, it did not ban speech and never restricted the people's freedom of speech.

 In addition, next year will be the year of the imperial examination, and many students from other places will go to Beijing for the college entrance examination, and Ming'an Building will become a gathering place for literati.

 Long Yanzhao grew up outside.

 Sometimes he misses life outside the palace, and then on a whim, he wants to go out of the palace for a walk.

 It's just that there are not many opportunities in normal times, and I have prepared for a long time to leave the palace today.

 As soon as the two of them left the palace, they came to this Ming'an building to drink tea, mainly because the emperor wanted to hear what the literati and poets were talking about.

 "You don't know that the Wenxiang jade is said to be specially selected by the emperor from the tribute items and given to Mr. Gu."

 "I heard that Mr. Gu is handsome, talented, talented, and therefore highly appreciated by the emperor. Isn't it natural and right to match this treasure?"

 Long Yanzhao heard the discussion here as soon as it started.

 He didn't expect that when he left the palace, he would meet someone talking about the gift he gave Gu Jingyuan.

 Hearing this, Long Yanzhao couldn't help but glanced in Gu Jingyuan's direction, as if asking for credit, a childlike look rarely appeared on the young emperor's face.

 Just waiting to listen attentively, someone from a table in the distance said with a smile: "You are a newcomer to the capital, right? Mr. Gu's appearance is indeed extraordinary, and it is true that he is appreciated by the emperor, but it's a pity..." It's a


 Long Yanzhao raised his eyebrows, he felt something in his heart, and heard another person say: "That's right, after all, he is not only a second-rank official of the imperial court, but also slept on the dragon bed... ah!"

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