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The next day, after the morning court, Long Yanzhao went directly to meet the Queen Mother.

 He didn't talk too much nonsense, and straight to the point, he hoped that the queen mother would come forward in person and point out a good marriage to Princess Yongxin.

 Holding the Buddhist beads in her hand, the queen mother pondered: "The Ai family also wants to be the master of Yongxin, but the king of Yan may not agree. Not to mention that the king of Yan is far away in Huizhou, he naturally hopes that the princess can be there all the time. Those around him, if they choose a son-in-law in the capital..."

 "Then let the son-in-law go to Huizhou with King Yan and his party, and I will arrange everything for him." Long Yanzhao said bluntly.

 Empress Dowager: "..."

 Long Yanzhao continued: "Don't worry, Empress Dowager, Yongxin has a wild temper. I'm afraid she will look down on ordinary people, and she will not accept forced marriage. So I have already thought about it. It is better to choose a date." Hitting the sun, we recently held a contest to recruit relatives for Princess Yongxin."

 "Contest to recruit relatives?"

 "Yes, it's a contest to recruit relatives." Long Yanzhao smiled, revealing a row of white teeth, and said with a bright smile: " The princess grew up in the army, and she is a brave and heroic person. What's more, there are countless honorable children who are good at martial arts in Beijing. If you don't believe me, you can't pick one who can be liked by her."

 "..." The

 queen mother was silent again, She twirled the rosary in her hand, and the surroundings were extremely quiet, only the smell of incense spread in the air, covering her nostrils little by little.

 "Your Majesty." The

 Empress Dowager asked: "Tell the Ai family honestly that you are so anxious to find a son-in-law for the princess, but because of Mr. Gu?"

 Long Yanzhao listened, noncommittal.

 But it is actually a default.

 ——Huizhou folks are saying that the princess and Gu Jingyuan are a perfect match?

 Then he will hold a grand wedding event, the more sensational and lively the better.

 It doesn't even matter whether the princess chooses her favorite son-in-law or not in the end.

 Anyway, King Yan will return to Huizhou after the new year.

 Long Yanzhao also didn't think she could change Gu Jingyuan's mind at all.

 He just needs to block the mouths of the folks and let everyone know that the princess held a martial arts competition to recruit relatives, and Mr. Gu is not in the list of candidates and has no intention of running for son-in-law.

 When the time comes... what a match made in heaven.

 Rumors self-defeating.

 But the queen mother obviously didn't agree with his approach.

 She said quite harshly: "As the emperor, you are the son of heaven! You are a role model for the whole world, how can you be so emotional?! Or for a courtier... The Ai family didn't even know that the son of the Ai family was so sentimental and weak!  … "The

 Queen Mother scolded him a lot.

 Long Yanzhao didn't refute, just stood there and listened quietly.

 Long Yanzhao had never been able to understand his mother's intentions before.

 Sometimes he obviously did a good job, but he was complained all the way.

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