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Later, Gu Jingyuan lost consciousness, and when he woke up, he was awakened by a loud noise.

 He wanted to open his eyes, but his eyelids were heavy.

 At this time, a big cool hand was covering his forehead, and Gu Jingyuan heard a familiar voice from above: "Don't move, Yuan, you are sick, I have sent an imperial doctor to diagnose your pulse." When

 Gu Jingyuan heard that he was going to Diagnosing the pulse, he struggled subconsciously.

 But now his body is extremely weak, his limbs are sore and heavy, and he can't even feel his own arms, let alone hide.

 The slender wrist was still grabbed, and Gu Jingyuan was forced to feel the pulse under the control of the emperor.

 Fortunately, the old doctor did not find anything, but only diagnosed: "Master Gu is overworked, and he has caught a cold, so the emperor does not have to worry about it. The old minister here prescribed two prescriptions. Mr. Gu takes it on time, and pays more attention to rest and recuperation. The day will recover."

 "That's good."

 Gu Jingyuan heard this conversation, and immediately after, the hand on his forehead was taken away.

 He probably has a fever, the emperor is a dragon and a tiger is sharp, and his body temperature is usually high. Now he actually felt that the emperor's hands were cold, probably because he was seriously ill.

 Gu Jingyuan thought in a daze, opened his eyes reluctantly, and found that the sky outside was dark, and he didn't know what time it was.

 He is still lying in his home.

 But I don't know why the emperor suddenly came here again...

 After sending the imperial doctor away, Long Yanzhao turned around and came back to sit by the bed, and ordered someone to bring the soup that had just been cooked.

 While helping him up, the Ninth Five Lord complained: "Since you are not feeling well, why don't you tell me?

 " I almost passed out in the room, and no one knows yet!"

 Hearing this, everyone in Gu Jingyuan's mansion, including the steward, fell to their knees on the ground, tremblingly begging the emperor for forgiveness.

 Gu Jingyuan, who was being helped up, was a little dizzy, and his face was redder than before because of the fever. He said: "This minister just wants to be alone... It's none of their business not to like people entering the yard... Your Majesty, forgive me."

 " Ah Yuan, stop talking."

 Facing him, the emperor's attitude could no longer be hardened.

 He was just cursing to vent his emotions.

 God knows that when he entered this room just now and saw the picture of Gu Jingyuan lying on the ground... It was an

 exaggeration to say that all five internal organs were burned, but it was true that his heart was about to pop out of his throat.

 Being so frightened suddenly, the Ninth Five Lord is still angry at the moment.

 But on second thought, as long as Master Gu is fine.

 Facing him, the emperor couldn't vent his anger.

 He asked Gu Jingyuan to sit down with his pillows, and surrounded them with quilts. Finally, he took the soup brought by the servants and held it in his hands to cool it down.

 The soup was the shredded ginger and radish soup that he ordered Gu's servants to cook just now. Fearing that Gu Jingyuan wouldn't be able to drink the greasy soup, he only added a little bit of meat soup as an auxiliary ingredient.

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