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Chapter 4 The mark on the eyebrow is the mark in the heart

    "I think you look bad, are you okay?" Yang Lin frowned at him.

 "It's okay." Gu Jingyuan shook his head again, and held his teacup fearing the cold, and then said: "Let's get down to business. I have handed over the evidence brought back from Lianghe to His Majesty. Please, Second Young Master, go back and tell Prime Minister Yang."

 There are two pieces of evidence for the corruption of ink by the governor of Lianghe, one is Hu Guowei himself, and the other is the evidence that the regent was behind the scenes.

 Gu Jingyuan said he was ruined.

 Actually not.

 He has avoided everyone's eyes and ears, and the evidence has always been with him.

 "I see." Yang Lin nodded, and then scratched his head again: "But the fact that the regent is the mastermind of embezzling ink and disaster relief money, isn't that ironclad evidence? The emperor will not pursue it now?"

 Gu Jingyuan shook his head and said, "My adoptive father controls the government. Over the years, the foundation is so deep, how can a single piece of evidence be able to overthrow him? Later, he can be said to have been framed or fabricated. Anyway, Hu Guowei has hanged himself to death, and there is no proof of death."

 Yang Lin half understood: " I don't know much about the affairs of the court, but it's a pity that the regent cannot be convicted, and Mr. Gu, you were injured because of this incident."

 Gu Jingyuan didn't speak.

 His gaze has always been on the emerald wrench on the thumb of the other party.

 Yang Lin said again: "Speaking of your injury, there has been a lot of turmoil during the court period, and many people said that the assassin was sent by the emperor."

 He licked the melon seeds on the table while talking.

 The emerald green finger on the thumb also flickered, up and down, pulling Gu Jingyuan's nerves.

 "Oh?" He raised his eyebrows with great interest, signaling for the other party to talk more.

 Young Master Yang immediately began to share the recent gossip with him: "Well, there are all kinds of things, some people say that His Majesty wants to get rid of you, and Gu Yuanjin's right and left arm. Some people say..."

 "What? "

 ...Hey, it's all nonsense anyway." Yang Lin waved his hand.

 Gu Jingyuan: "I said that I have a special status, that Your Majesty doesn't want to be a fool and keeps me by your side, so he wants to get rid of me directly while I'm not in Beijing."

 Yang Lin looked at him distressedly: "Jingyuan..."

 " He didn't do it."

 Gu Jingyuan smiled indifferently.

 Yang Lin said: "Of course I know it can't be His Majesty. He, my father, and you are all in the same camp. How can others not understand your Emperor? How could he do such a stupid thing!"

 After speaking, he asked again: "But I'm just curious, who sent the assassin to kill you? My father is also very concerned about this matter, so does Wen Quxing have any clues?"

 Gu Jingyuan said bluntly: "No one."

 Yang Lin: "?" A

 moment later, Young Master Yang slapped his thigh in anger.

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