The Brown Haired Boy

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I am standing there. Looking at the beauty of the stadium wishing I could fully enjoy it, but I can't, not with the way I made it here. I walk into Camp Nou where I see a really pretty blonde woman who looked to be about mid 30s. I was looking for a woman named Lauren and when I had the name Lauren in my mind, she came up. She fits it perfectly. At that very moment she turns around and has the biggest smile on her face. She walks over to me and with excitement in her voice she asks," Is your name Savannah Monroe ?" I was confused because yes my name is Savannah but I didn't think someone would be so excited to see me. I realized after a moment I was just standing there, with a weird look on my face, and finally answering with a cold and swift "yes." I didn't mean for it to come out so stone cold but ever since what happened last September I feel like the normal for me has been empty and cold. Even though my reaction was so rude she keeps her warm atmosphere and instructs me to follow her. It took us about 5 minutes of walking and elevator rides to reach an office that I walked into My. Jaw. Dropped. I felt like I was in a story. It was a beautiful office, but it wasn't the inside I was focused on. It was the giant wall of windows that faced the beautiful city. It felt like you could see for miles.

It had always been my dream to work for FC Barca, but since I was an underage girl living in the USA with no Spanish background it felt impossible, but in the end I guess it was very possible. Lauren notices my awe expression and gives me a couple of moments to live it out and wear off a bit. When it does she starts to talk. "Savannah  I am so glad you are here. The boys have been talking about how excited they were for your arrival." "Wait.... WHAT?!" I thought to myself. Why would a group of amazing athletes and attractive men be excited for me to come? Even though I am lost in thought Lauren continues on " we have never done anything like this before......" she trails off noticing I am not listening. I didn't even notice the silence for a few moments, but once I did I apologize. This time I was happy with how soft and sweet I sounded.

3 months earlier (last September)

I am standing at eighteenth green after a long day of golf. Waiting. If the girl I am watching makes this putt then I lose state. It was my dream to carry home that trophy and shove it in my parents face showing them that I was a hard-working daughter who deserved more. Recently, my parents have only been focusing on my older sister. I am proud of how hard she has been working in college and the opportunities she has gotten to be a trainer for the football team, but I was at state and my parents couldn't even bother to show up and support me. I was mad. I was zoned out. I heard a girl sigh, not a happy sigh and I felt my coach's hands wrap around my shoulders as she celebrated. I knew what had happened. I just won state. Wow! All the bad feelings of my parents not being there were gone because I proved them wrong. All I could do was cry with my team.

The trophy ceremony had just ended and I was walking back to my car. Nothing could knock me off this high, not even my parents missing this. I had yet to turn DND off on my phone since the match. I knew I would be posting on social media ASAP, but when I looked at the missed calls I got scared. The screen was shining bright showing 37 missed calls from the police. I was scared, what was happening? Did I do something wrong? Did something happen to the people I love? All these emotions are swirling in my head. I blacked out, not literally, but after this point my memory is spotty. All I remember on the phone is the police saying "family", "all dead" , and "we would like to speak with you."


"Excuse me Savannah" Lauren nudges me out of my thoughts. I was a little annoyed, but I knew she didn't know my story. So instead I cheerfully asked,"What exactly am I doing here? Like what is my job?" She giggles before responding. "Funny you should ask.... As I was saying,  ''We have never had a job like this before." she stops and smiles which leaves me even more confused, but she quickly continues on "we would like you to run the social media here." she smiles again "I noticed on your resume you said that you loved content creation and I thought this would be perfect for you because you are young and in touch with what is going on." she had a big smile, but for the first time in a long time my smile was bigger!

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