I Think It Is Time To Tell You

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(TW talk of trauma and hints of abuse)

I had just walked josh to his room. I make my way over to the game room. The boys who were recently trying to scare josh were in there. I walk in and smile, seeing all of them happy made eye happy. I run up to Gavi, who was sitting on the couch, and jumped on him. He moved just in time and I ended up on the floor. Everyone was laughing. I stand up and look at ansu to move, so I could sit next to Gavi. He opens his arms as Ferran pauses the game. They all move so we are sitting in a circle. I look at Gavi confused then I look back at the rest of the boys. "So are you and Josh a thing or something?" Ferran asks not really thinking. Pedri slaps him "bro we said we weren't going to be up front about it". I giggle and sit up " I know from the outside it looks like we have been dating for years, but in reality he is just my best friend" I look at them and they all seem unconvinced. I look down and sigh. " I think It is time I tell you about my past" I say getting choked up. I spend the next two hours explaining how I always felt neglected by my parents, about how my dad had anger issues and I never felt safe in my house, and about how Josh and Makenzie, were my family. We stuck by each other and they stuck by me. I then stop "and....." I trail off. By this point Ferran and Balde are standing up pacing back and forth while I dump all the trauma I have been carrying with me. I finally take a big deep breath and tell them about the day my parents died. As I was explaining I started to cry. Gavi noticing this sat up very alert now, he placed his Hand in mine. I look at him and smile weakly then go back to the story. I looked up at everyone's faces, most of them were crying too. Then silence took over.

It had been minutes of silence when I abruptly stood up, turning my back to the team to grab a water. " so, to answer your question, Ferran. No, Josh and I are not a thing. Never have been never will be, but is still love him more than life" I turn around and see all the boys looking at me, waiting, maybe for me to cry I don't really know. Pedri stands "we should all go home and rest after this" he says his eyes fixed on me. I nod in agreement "yes and even though so much Bad stuff has happened to me, I hope you know you guys make every day better" I smile at them and instantly the vibe in the room is less tense. Gavi gets up and follows Pedri out. I wave goodbye to everyone. On our way out I look over to see Josh sitting there crying, I know why, because he heard me dump all my trauma. He tries to act tough, but I know it hurts him to hear all the pain I had to go through. Gavi and Pedri are almost at the door. I walk over and kiss Josh on the top of the head and help him stand up. He pulls me into a long hug, when he releases he smiles at me and without a word we turn and go our separate ways.


A/n sorry this one is so short, but I needed a reason for her to feel the guys about her past

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