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Gavi's Pov

I woke up briefly around 6:00 am. I expected to see Sav in bed with me, but she wasn't. I was confused. We had only gone to bed three hours ago. There was no way she was awake already. I really didn't want to get up, but wanted I to find out where she went.

I got out of bed and walked to her door. When I opened it I heard a noise downstairs. I make my way to the first floor and I walk into the living room. The tv was on and YouTube was playing. I walked further into the room and smiled. Sav was laying on the couch under like 30 blankets. I turned the Tv off and moved some of the blankets. I then dropped down on the couch next to her and snuggled up. She never woke up, but she did move closer to me. Once I was comfortable and I knew she was safe in my arms, I fell asleep too.

Pedro's Pov

I rolled over on my bed and looked at the clock. It said 11:00 am which made sense seeing as we had gone to bed so late. I groaned, but knew I had to get up. I got up and put some clothes on before walking into Sav's room and seeing nobody there. I was confused because they were always together, but never in Gavi's room. Even though they weren't going to be in there I still went and looked. Nothing.

I was walking downstairs and at first I couldn't find them, but after a minute I saw them on the couch. Gavi was awake and was chilling on his phone, but Sav was still asleep. "Good morning" I said in a whisper and handed him a cup of coffee. He took and shushed me then pointed to Sav. "I don't want to wake her" he hushed so I could barely hear anything. 

I smiled and as I was on my way out, I looked back at the two of them. I looked at the way that Gavi had such a tight yet loving grip on her. It made it look like he was trying to protect her from the world. He loved her so much I don't know how he fit all of it in his body.

Savannah's POV

I hadn't opened my eyes, but my body had woken up. I could feel I was up to something warm. I was confused because I knew I had fallen asleep by myself. I opened my eyes and squirmed around a bit. "Good morning" he whispered to me. I didn't really move or say something. "I love you" I said back to him and I could feel his grip on me strengthen. "Me too," he said, using his free hand to scratch my arm.

After a couple of moments of that I stood up and put my hair up into a messy bun. "I will be back" I told him, grabbing my phone and keys. "Where are you going?" He asked me. "I want to go get Starbucks" I said and walked out the door. I heard him running after me. "I want to come too" he whined like a little kid. "Fine then you drive" I threw him my keys and I walked to the passenger seat

The Starbucks we went to didn't have a drive through, so we got out and ordered. We were standing there when I got a text from Josh that they were safely on their flight. I texted him back letting him know to have safe travels.

"Coffee for Savannah!!" One of the baristas yelled out. I walked up to grab it. "You know I think you are really hot" he said and winked at me. I didn't know what to do, so I just laughed awkwardly. "Can I have your number?" He asked me to pull my coffee away before I could answer. "No I have a boyfriend" I said to him. "He doesn't have to know" he winked at me again. "Just give her the coffee" Gavi said stepping up and kind of getting mad at the guy. He went silent and just handed me my coffee. Gavi then, while making direct eye contact with the barista, put his arm around me and kissed my head. We walked out.

The car ride home was fine. We just listened to music while I sat there in my thoughts. Nothing to write home about. Gavi broke the silence first "since it is the first day of 2023 is there anything you want to do?" He looked at me while I thought. "Nop-" I stopped myself "well there is a golf course I want to play. I will probably do that today" I said, pulling out my phone to make a tee time. "Okay cool. Can I come with?" He asked me and made puppy dog eyes at me. "Of course" I said to him.

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