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As much as I was sad for the season to end, I was excited for summer. I didn't really have anything planned, but the guys had all of June off to travel and visit family. Luckily Gavi and Pedri both have family that live in Barca. Which means that they didn't have to leave me behind. I was sitting on their couch on my phone while I listened to them fight about what cabinet the bowls should go in. After 6 months I had learned how to drown their fighting out. They loved each other like brothers and brothers fight. I was scrolling on my phone when I saw an instagram page that had posted a photo of my hometown city. It took my breath away. Typically when you think of Chicago you don't think of beauty, but this photo was beautiful. It dawned on me. "  have been gone for 6 months' ' I say under my breath, making them turn their attention to me. "I have been gone for 6 months' ' I say looking up at them. They don't change the confused expressions on their faces. "I have been away from home for 6 months and I am ready to go back. '' I say, trying to assess their facial expressions. I swear both in unison they scream,"USA HERE WE COME!!!!!"


It had been a week since I decided I wanted to go home. We had booked flights, rental cars, and hotels. I was standing in my kitchen, with all my luggage, when I heard a knock. I opened the door to see a very excited Gavi and Pedri. They run into my apartment and grab my luggage and run out. I lock my door and turn around to them standing by the elevator at the end of the hallway. "I guess you two are excited" I say a little happy that they were so happy. They look at me and start chanting "USA USA USA USA" in low voices. The elevator dings and we get on. I couldn't stop smiling. I was so happy that they were so excited to visit my hometown.


We are sitting at our gate. I had my AirPods in and I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked up to see that we were boarding. I was just going to fly a commercial like normal, but they both insisted on flying first class. We get on the plane and Gavi sits down next to me with Pedri on the other side of the aisle. we walked through the flight safety and just like that we were on our way. It was pretty late at night and we had a 12 hour flight ahead of us, so I took this as an opportunity to fall asleep.

Gavi's Pov

We were on the flight and I was reading about the place we were going. I could sense Savannah had fallen asleep. I put my book down and looked at her. I was going to ask her out on the trip and take her to her favorite place as a kid. She had told me it was a large metal bean. I was confused, but Americans are crazy, so I wasn't surprised. I looked at the flight tracker to see that we had been flying for 3 hours. I yawned really big and I tried to lay down and fall asleep, but I just couldn't, my mind kept wandering. I was staring at Sav sleeping, not in a creepy way, but in an admiration way. I didn't know what I was doing, it felt like my brain stopped thinking and my body took over, because I shifted over to her seat. Since it was first class it was big, I pulled her close to me. Even though she was asleep we shifted so I could be comfortable. Then, with my arms around her, I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Savannah's pov

I woke up to pedri tapping me. I tried to move, but I felt weighted down. I flipped my body over to see gavi. I had slid next to me and was sound asleep. I looked up at pedri who was standing there. "I wanted to wake you guys up because we landed in less than an hour and I want you to be awake and ready when we land." He whispered. I thanked him and he sat back down. I guess me shifting to grab my phone woke Gavi up. He smiled at me and without any words moved back to his seat. I was kinda sad because I wanted to hold him for a little longer, but Pedri was right we had to wake up. I just sat there on my phone for a second then the pilot came over and in a perfect midwestern accent told us we were landing soon. I think I actually heard him say "we will be pulling into E5". I had to smile because six months ago that is the gate I flew out of. Oh how my life had changed.

We pull in and start to unboard. I practically ran up to the door of the gate. When I got there I turned and saw Gavi and Pedri walking slowly. I was about to burst, "come one slow pokes" I yelled and they picked up their pace. We all stepped into the terminal together and I checked to see if Josh had texted me. He was going to pick us up from the airport and drive us to the rental car place. He hadn't. I immediately start to guide them to the baggage claim, making sure to take them to the airport. When I was a kid my family loved to travel, so I was very familiar with the place. I smiled as we walked past the CPK where my family would eat every time we flew out of here. We continued to walk, got our bags, and walked out the door to the street. I see Josh's car, but when I walk up to it his brother was in the driver's seat. I frowned, I didn't hate his brother, I just wanted to see josh. All three of us hop in and Charlie, his brother, asked me how our trip was. "Safe" I said, looking at him knowing what he was really asking.

Charlie and I were like siblings. Since I was always around Josh, I was an intern, always around him. He protected me and I loved him. I had already set up plans to go out to lunch and spend the day with him, Josh, and their parents. So when we pulled up to the rental car place and hopped out. He smiled and said "see you later munchkin". I smiled a fake smile " thanks for the ride josh's brother" I was happy with my comeback. "Wow only josh's brother I see how it is now" I sarcastically give him a wave off and smiled as he drove away.

I turned around to the two boys and we walked in the place and retrieved our car. We got to the hotel and, just like how Gavi and Pedri wanted the plane to be nice, they wanted our hotel room to be too. We walk in and my jaw drops. I was huge. It had a whole living room and kitchen. Walked further into the room and saw two doors that lead into two rooms with a king bed and their own bathroom. I was confused , turned to the boys and asked "who is sharing a bed?" Pedri chuckles and walks into one of the rooms "you two" he shouts at us and closes the door. I started to blush because I was embarrassed, but not mad. I kind of deep down wanted it. I smile at Gavi and he shrugs, but I can see he feels the same way.

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