Josh is the Father

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We were driving through the city. It looked the prettiest at this time of night. I was just taking it in. I guess I had a look on my face because Gavi looked at me funny while we were stopped at a red light. "I know it is pretty isn't" he said to me breaking me out of my trance. "It really is," I said, leaning back in my seat and taking a huge deep breath.

We were sitting in silence when my phone rang. I look to see an unknown caller id. I picked it up anyway. "Hello" I said in a cheery voice. It was Makenzie. "Sav I have some news, '' she said and even though it was through a phone I could hear the fear in her voice. "What's wrong?" I suddenly asked very seriously, which made Gavi look at me concerned. I could hear her take a deep breath. "I am pregnant" she blurted out. I was taken aback. It honestly took me a while to even register what she was saying. "Congrats'' I finally responded after getting my thoughts together.

She was going to make a great mom. I knew she would love the kid more than life, but one thing was lingering in my mind. "Who is the dad?" I asked her because I didn't even know she was with someone right now. "That is where it gets crazy..... It is Josh." When she said that, my eyes opened really big. "What!" I blurted out. I couldn't believe it. They always hated each other, but then again they did go on a trip to come see me. Just the two of them.

"It happened in barça the night of the party" she said confirming what i was thinking. I heard someone in the background call her name and she was quick to hang up. We exchanged 'I love yous' before hanging up.

I put my phone down trying to wrap my head around the news I had just got. We pulled up to the restaurant, but there was no way I was moving. Gavi looked at me really confused and concerned. "What is going on, Sav?" He asked sweetly after seeing the far away look on my face. I turned to him wanting to talk, but no words could come out. This was the first time ever I was totally speechless.

After a while of him just sitting there I mustered all my energy up. "Makenzie is pregnant with Josh's baby" I said to him. He looked at me wide eyed too.

He grabbed my hand and looked me dead in the eyes. "Some day that will be us," he said, leaning forward to kiss my forehead. "2 kids." I said to him "an older boy and a younger girl." Obviously I would love my kids no matter what gender they were going to be, that was what I had always pictured in my mind. "The boy will play soccer (football)" Gavi said in response. I smiled in agreement.

He started to get out of the car, but I grabbed him and pulled him back in and into a deep kiss. I don't know why. I just felt like it.

I pulled away first and got out. It was a beautiful restaurant and it smelled so good there. We walked to a balcony area so we could look at the view.

We had so much talking the night away. I was dark and chilly, but Gavi's presence made it feel warm. After we were done eating, I started to leave, but realized he was still sitting there. "What are you doing? '' I said, walking back over to the table. He looked up at me and smiled which made me only more confused. He motioned to a guy with a camera in his hand sitting at another table. "Paparazzi" he mouthed to me.

I was too busy looking at the guy. The next thing I knew Gavi had stood up and pulled me into the longest and deepest kiss ever. Making sure to lean me back. When we pulled away I was out of breath. "What was that for?" I asked him to sit down to catch my breath. "Because I love you and the media loves us" he laughed which made me laugh too.

This time we both walked out hand and hand. It was 9:00 pm and even though we had a long day, I wasn't tired. "I want to go do something fun." I whined to Gavi when I noticed he was on his way back to the hotel. "Say less" he said before driving the car and changing directions.

After a while we pulled up to the beach and without warning he got out and ran straight for the water. "You are in a suit" I yelled to him as he emerged himself in the salty sea. "Money comes and goes, but experiences like this are once in a lifetime" he yelled back to me. He did have a point. I took my heels off and ran in next to him.

"Experiences like what?" I asked him once I reached him. "Like being in love at night on the beach in Rome," he said, smiling and pulling me by the waist closer to him. I thought we were going to have a cute moment, but instead he picks me up and throws me into the water.

After that we had a full on water fight. I would splash him and he would return it with a bigger, stronger wave.

After a while of playing and laughing like little kids. We both got out. I was tired and he was tired. We walked back to the car and went on our way. Even though we were tired, we were still laughing and cracking jokes like little kids. We did this all the way until we reached the room.

When I got in there, I grabbed my stuff and jumped into the shower. Washing off the salt of the ocean and the grossness of the city. When I was done I threw in some pjs and walked out. Gavi went straight in after me and while I was waiting for him, I laid down in bed.

I got a text from Makenzie with ultrasound photos of the baby. I responded letting her know that once it was born she would have to bring it to a game. She sent me back the ok emoji.

Gavi came out of the bathroom and laid down next to me. It was dark and quiet. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck and it sent chills down my spine.

After a while of silence I felt a tug on my hair. "What are you doing?" I asked him, genuinely confused. "I always French braid your hair. I wanted to try Dutch braiding, '' he said back to me. I just laid there still letting him do his thing. Somewhere in there I fell asleep. 

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