Manchester United

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"Give me one more," Gavi said, pulling back into a kiss. I laughed into it as I felt the desperation. "I am going with the team. I will be ok." I said as I pulled away. For the return leg of the Europa League against Manchester United was in Manchester England and since Gavi was suspended, he didn't go on the trip.

"SAV!!!!! LET'S GO!!!!" I heard Ansu yell from the top of the stairs. He was standing in the doorway of the plane, waving his arms at me. I turned and pecked Gavi's cheek one more time before grabbing my bags and running up the stairs.

When I reached the top of the stairs I turned and blew Lauren, Gavi, and Pedri a kiss. They laughed and I walked into the plane. I took my seat next to Balde and we took off.

Once we got into the air, I started to feel unsafe. I guess I didn't really notice that I was fidgeting with my hands, but Blade stuck his arm around me. "What's wrong?" He whispered. "I just feel weird about going to face Man U without Gavi here to come after Rashford like he did last time." I responded and leaned onto him.

Balde was like an older brother to me. He made me feel safe even when I felt like nobody could. "It's going to be ok. Just stick around me and nobody will mess with you." He said keeping his arm around me. I leaned into him and fell asleep. Even after what he told me, I still didn't feel as safe as I did with Gavi (or Pedri). I still drifted into my dreams.


"Sav wake up." Someone whispered to me. I thought it was Balde, but when I opened my eyes, I saw it was Pablo Torre. I jumped up and it kind of scared him. "What's wrong?" he asked me. "Nothing, I just thought you were Balde and was jumpscared when it wasn't him," I chuckled. He also laughed, but he was different. It was more desperate.


We had just gotten set up in the hotel room. Typically it was four to a hotel room, but this time Xavi let me have my own bed. So, it was just Ansu, Balde, and I in a room. Once we were unpacked and Xavi briefed us on what tomorrow would look like. "We should go out to eat," Ansu said from his place in his bed. "Yesssss" I jumped up. I got up and threw on a pink workout set.

(outfit is from pinterest)

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(outfit is from pinterest)

I didn't look the best, but I wasn't here to impress anyone. Once everyone was done getting dressed, we grabbed our things and headed out the door.

We walked into a bar and were seated by a nice woman. We had a good time talking and laughing with each other. I wasn't really paying attention at first, but then after a while, I noticed that there were a lot of people looking at us. I suddenly got really uncomfortable. The boys took notice of my nervous habits.

"It's ok nothing is going to happen" Ansu said to me. Right when he said that to me the crowd parted like the red sea and I saw Rashford start to walk towards us. The two boys immediately jumped up.

"Well well well. Look what the cat drug in" he said as he approached us. I just stayed where I was, frozen in my seat. I saw him lean forward and whisper something into One's ear. This made Ansu really mad and he grabbed my arm, forcing me out of my seat. "Woah, what's going on?" I asked as he pulled me out of the restaurant.

They both stayed silent and I could hear Rashford laughing behind us. They pulled me into the car and drove off. I kept asking what was going on and everytime I would, they would just exchange looks and not respond. When we got to the hotel, they brought me to the room and walked out into the hallway to "talk". I was super confused, but was broken out of my thoughts by Gavi calling me.

"Hello?" I said when I picked up the phone. "I am just calling my girlfriend" he said like a little kid, which made me chuckle. We talked for about an hour when I heard a knock on the door. I got up to answer it and was surprised to see it was Pablo Torre again.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, sounding genuinely confused. "The boys had to go do something and they told me to come sit with you to make sure nothing happens." he responded a little chipper. "Come in" I said , scooting to the side, allowing him to walk in.

"I gotta go, Gavi. Pablo Torre just showed up. "Wait wha-" I didn't let him finish before I hung up. Once I did, I turned my attention to Pablo. "What do you want to do?" I asked him. It was pretty awkward at first, but after we started watching a movie, the vibe loosened.

About 4 hours later Pablo was laying in the other boys bed and I was laying in mine. I was fighting sleep, but a stern knock on the door sent me jolting up, wide awake. I was about to open the door when Pablo jumped in front of me. It must have been something that Rashford said that had everyone on edge.

He twisted the door knob slowly and pulled it open. I couldn't see the face of the person, but as soon as they spoke, I pushed past Pablo and jumped into his arms. "Gavi? What Are you doing here?" I basically screamed. The force of my jump almost knocked him over, but he set his feet just in time.

"It's good to see you too" he smiled at me right when I pulled away. I grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into my room. He knocked his shoes off and jumped into my bed. I wasn't far behind him. I jumped into his arms as we both hit the bed laughing. He pulled me close to him as Pableo Torre laid back down on the other bed. He played the movie we were watching. "Goodnight I love you" I whispered into his ear. "I love you too," he said back.


"Rise and shine" Blade said as he pulled the blankets off of us. I heard Gavi groan as I slowly opened my eyes, letting the sun burn my weak corneas. I groaned too and got out of bed.

"Game Day! Game Day! Game Day! Game Day! Game Day!" The boys started chanting as I stood in the bathroom doing my makeup. I finished up getting ready and threw on a jersey and some blue and red af1s.

"Lets go children" I giggled as I walked out the door. They followed after me, giggling too. We made it to the team in the lobby. "Gavi!!!" Everyone yelled as they ran over and hugged him.

Once the excitement of him being there wore off, Xavi got our attention and briefed us on the game again. Once he was done, we all got into the bus and rode over to the stadium. It was really cool. Nothing like Camp Nou, but still cool. We got off and tons of fans were yelling out names. I just kept my head down as people held signs shipping Rashford and I.


The game ended in a loss. The boys were devastated and I just sat there with Gavi as we waited for the team to get ready to leave. Once everyone was ready, we walked out of the locker room and I couldn't deal with a run in with the Man U boys. We walked out the door and as always they were there waiting.

I grabbed Gavi's hand and kept my head down. Yes, they were saying things, but they weren't doing anything. Atleast at first, but after a while I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and was faced with Rashford's fake ass smile. "Looking good Savannah '' he said with a grinning mad man. I didn't think before punching him. He fell back and Gavis grabbed me, pulling me back. I made sure to keep a death stare the whole way out. The fact that Rashford has a bloody nose made me feel good. 

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