Decisions Decisions Decisions

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It was the next morning and I woke up in the hotel bed with no memory of how I did. Sadly today was the day we were flying back to Barca. I was ready to go back after this emotional trip, but a small part of me was considering staying here. Josh's family offered me a place to stay and I could go to DePaul University. When I had met up with them I low-key was considering it. It didn't sound so bad, coming home and all, but I couldn't leave my new life in Barca. I had realized that Chicago, these people, and these memories were my past and Barca, the people I have met, and the memories I have made and  will continue to make are my future. I could feel tears roll down my cheeks. I look over at the clock and see that the face says 4:00. "Perfect" I say standing up and throwing on tennis shoes and grabbing my purse. I was still wearing an oversized sleep shirt and some pj shorts. My hair was thrown up into a high messy bun, I know I looked crazy, but I didn't care. I just walked out the door and to the car. I didn't know where I was going, but I drove.


It was 8:30 in the morning when I arrived back at the hotel. Luckily the flight wasn't until 4:00 in the afternoon so we had plenty of time before we had to leave. I thought the boys would be asleep, but I was wrong. I walked into the hotel room and saw them sitting on the phone. When they saw me they both dropped their phones and ran over to hug me. "What is up guys" I say as they release their very tight grip on me. "Where have you been?" Pedri responds but does not answer my question. I looked over to see Gavi was saying something to the people on the other line then hanging up. "Guys, what is wrong?" I say again, but more sternly. "We thought that someone took you" Gavi says looking down "I carried you into the bed and put Pjs on you. So, I knew you should be there, but when I woke up you were completely gone and after the interaction with your ex I just wanted you to be safe." I looked at him with sad eyes. "Who was on the phone?" I asked tilting my head wanting an answer. "The police," Pedri says, making me look at him. I fall silent. They cared about me enough to call the police the second I went missing. "So, where were you?" Pedri asks, breaking a silence that had overtaken us. "Around. I just drove around for 4 hours. Visiting my childhood sites that I had to see before we left. With that I walked into the bedroom to start packing.


It was now 1:30 and I had finished packing and was sitting on the couch. Gavi comes out with his bags and looks around. "Still packing" I say signaling to Pedro's door. "Oh" he says, then flops down next to me on the couch and puts my head in his lap. I was on my phone and I didn't even notice when he started to rub my head. After 6 months with these two, it felt natural for them to be touchy. Even though I still loved it, there were moments when I didn't even notice it out of habit. I guess I actually realized what was happening because I set my phone down and without that as a distraction it made more sense. About 5 minutes after Gavi, Pedri walks out hauling his bags. We both stand up and all three of us walk out the door.

We made our way over to the airport and went through security pretty smoothly. We were sitting at our gate and I had both my AirPods in. I was leaning up against Gavi and he had his arm around me. I was reading and he was doing work stuff on his phone. I was in my own little world completely overtaken by the storyline when I got notification that I had been tagged in a post. Confused, I picked up my phone and clicked on it. I was greeted with a picture of Gavi and I sitting in the airport with the caption "Is our new hot couple traveling together? Maybe to get closer?". I was not happy. I never liked the paparazzi, but I never hated it. At this moment though, I hated them. I was emotionally drained from this trip and then they had to go tug on my heart strings too. I guess Gavi was looking over my shoulder because I heard him ask what I was looking at. I handed him the phone, completely done with it, and picked up my book. I felt him sigh hard and pull me in a little closer. He turned off my phone and set it next to me.

Not long after that we were called to board. The three of us got up and walked to the gate. I was walking down the hallway to board the plane, when my legs stopped, making Gavi bump into me. "Omg I am so sorry" he says, not yet seeing the expression on my face. I was standing there eyes wide open not being able to move. It was like when I was younger and people would tell me that biting a carrot and your pinky finger are the same, but your brain won't let you bite off your pinky. That is how I felt, it felt like my brain wasn't letting me get on that plane to go back to Barca. This was my home. I didn't even notice Gavi was talking because I was having a fight with my own brain. "Savannah-" his voice snaps me out of my daze. I realized I was sitting on the floor and Gavi and Pedri were both looking at me. The second I realized what was happening I stood up and walked onto the plane without saying anything back. Walking through the threshold of the plane door felt like a stab to the gut. I had made my decision and it wasnt Chicago, my past, it was Barca, my future.

We had gotten to our seats and were waiting for everyone else to board. I was laying down deep in thought and looking out the window looking at the people on the runway putting our bags on. I was thinking about how they had families that loved them and were still alive. I was thinking about the last time I saw my family and it wasn't a pleasant thought. This time the way we bought the tickets, Gavi and Pedri were next to each other and I was next to a random seat. I hoped it would be empty, but not long after a boy walked up and sat down. He had to be 6'5 and had brunette curly hair. I am not going to lie, he was pretty hot. When he sat down I shifted my body making sure I wasn't in his seat at all. I was in the window so when he sat down, he cut off Gavi and Pedri. All I did was smile at him, but I could feel how fake it was.

We took off and were in the air for about 15 minutes when he looked at me for a long time. I was watching from the corner of my eye because I didn't really want to talk to anyone. Finally after what felt like a thousand years he spoke. "This is weird, but is your name Savannah" he said and I turned my head to look at him. "Yes?" I said with a questioning tone. "No way. My name is Noah and I was the one who won the men's state the same time you did" he sounded really excited. "Oh that is cool" I wanted to be nice, but I really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. Luckily he didn't say anything after that. At Least for now.

I woke up to someone tapping me on the back. My shirt must have lifted up because I could feel their hands on my bare back. I roll over with a pissed look to see Noah handing me something. "That guy over there wanted me to give you this note" as he says that I lean over to see Gavi smiling at me. I take the note and read it. "You look unhappy. Is that boy bothering you? Also i want you to come over here and sleep next to me, i just don't like that guy he gives me weird vibes.'' I read it fast and stood up. I had put everything but my phone and airpods above us, so I wasn't worried about Noah stealing anything. I stood up and motioned for Noah to move his legs. He did and I walked across the aisle and plopped down into Gavi's lap falling asleep almost immediately.


Gavi's Pov

I was sitting in my chair happy with the arrangement. I wanted to sit next to Sav, but no one was sitting next to her. I was happy. Then it was ruined by a boy walking up and sitting down next to her breaking my line of vision, so I couldn't see her at all. I had noticed that she wasn't very happy today. I didn't know why, but I was worried because I didn't want her to feel sad about living in Barca. I wanted her to be happy and content. I was watching that guy like a hawk, then he started talking to her. She responded dryly and out of it. I didn't like this guy, he gave me weird vibes. I had been sitting there for about 30 minutes thinking about what to do. I then wrote a note and asked the guy to hand it to her. She read it and got up. He smiled at her and he moved his legs. I knew she had been asleep, so when she tiredly sat down on my lap. I rubbed her arm gently so she could go back to her dreams fast. When I realized she was asleep I leaned my chair back. In doing so I noticed the boy was looking at her, more specifically her in my lap. I didn't care though I leaned my chair back and fell asleep. I loved being with her. She calmed me down enough that I could sleep anywhere no matter what.

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