The DM

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"Come on Sav wake up!!!!" Gavi whined. "We have to go to Frenkie's." I opened my eyes and the light burned them. I turned back over and groaned. I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders and pull me into a standing position. I slumped back over into him. He chuckled a little bit and moved some hair out of my face.

"You slept for a good 9 hours. Are you still tired?" he chuckled a little bit. I nodded, but stayed where I was leaning on him. My eyes closed again and I could feel myself falling back asleep, but I was able to catch myself. I moved back and walked into the bathroom.

I got ready like normal and went into my closet to get changed. I threw on a crewneck and biker shorts. I wanted to dress up, but I was told it was going to be really chill.

(outfit is from pinterest)

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(outfit is from pinterest)

I then packed a bag with a swimsuit and a brush. "Ready" I said to Gavi while turning around to face him.

We walked out the door and met Pedri in the car. "Are you guys excited?" he said, trying to cheer up my obviously exhausted body. I smiled at him and we continued to drive silently.

We pulled up to Frenkie's house and I ran over to hug Mikky. It was so nice to see her after a long couple of weeks. "HI!!" I yelled as I jumped into her arms. She caught me (barely) and laughed the whole time.

Once she set me down we turned around to see the boys standing there staring at us. "What?" I asked them, but Mikky led me away before they could respond. "Come on, I want to show you the new pool." she said as she led me to the back yard.

We got there and it was so cool. I was so excited to swim in it later. I looked over to see her enthusiastically looking at me. "It is really nice," I said . "And I brought a suit" that made her smile. "Good" she nodded at me before we turned to go back to the boys.

I walked over and sat down next to Balde and Ansu on the couch because there was no room next to Gavi. There weren't many people here yet, so we just sat there and talked while we waited for everyone else.

An hour later all the guys had shown up and we were all standing around talking. It was around 11:00 and I looked across the room to Mikky who was already looking at me. We both giggled and ran upstairs to get our suits. I know Mikky has been waiting for me to come over and swim with her, so she even got us matching suits for the occasion.

They were pastel and wrapped around our necks. Once we got them on, we turned around and laughed. I loved how close we had gotten over the past couple of months. It felt good to have a best friend who didn't know me before my parents death. Just her accepting me after everything that happened.

(outfit is from pinterest)

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(outfit is from pinterest)

We walked down to the guys and I felt on top of the world. "What are you guys doing?" Gavi asked. We didn't respond. We just looked at eachother and giggled before taking off. We ran through the back door and jumped into the pool.

It had been a super warm early spring time, so the cool water felt nice. We came back up to the surface laughing so hard. I forgot how to tread water. I went back under and I saw Gavi take a step forward to grab me, but I came back up just in time to make him feel better.

He looked at me concerned. "I am fine" I said, straightening my arms so I could be closer to him. He leans over to kiss me and I grab him by the collar pulling him in after me. Everyone started dying of laughter. Gavi was not happy and pulled me back in with him. The three of us went swimming for a little bit. Gavi got out of the water and we looked around to see everyone was gone.

I looked at Mikky confused and she shrugged her shoulders. Just as I turned around I saw all the guys coming running back out with their own swim trunks on. "CANNON BALL!!!!!" Ansu yells as he jumps into the water.

We all swam around for hours. I had laughed so much that my abs hurt. We had jumped in so many times that my legs and arms were sore. I didn't want to stop, but I yawned so big that all the energy in my body left. I got out of the water and wrapped myself in a towel.

I walked over and laid down on a comfy beach chair. My eyelids started to close when my phone vibrated. I picked it up to see a DM. I clicked on the notification and it was a DM from Marcus Rashford. I was confused because why would he be DMing me.

I clicked on the actual message and it read "Tell your little flying monkeys over there in Barcelona that we are coming for them this Thursday.'' I rolled my eyes and put my phone down. Which prompted another notification from him. I picked it up and read it again. "I see you read the message, but didn't respond. If you want to get with me just ask." I sighed. I didn't have enough energy to care, but ended up responding this time.

"Can you not? If you are so insecure as to harass their girlfriends, maybe you should be improving your game." I smirked because I was actually proud of that comeback. Why me? It was such a bizarre occurrence.

Gavi's Pov

I had been swimming around and laughing with everyone. I didn't even notice that Sav had gotten out of the water. Once I noticed I looked around before my eyes fell on her laying over on a circular outdoor bed. I smiled and got out to walk over to her. When I reached her I saw she was asleep and I laid down next to her.

I closed my eyes, but I kept getting woken up by her phone vibrating. I picked it up to see that there were over 30 Instagram Dm notifications. I clicked on them to see that it was Marcus Rashford. I was super confused, so I clicked them and saw it was just him insulting her.

Certain phrases that I caught while scrolling were..




"Gold digger"



I was so mad. I was glad that Sav had not read them, but it didn't make me feel any better. I stood up and some of the guys must have seen the look on my face because Raphina asked me "What's up Gavi?"

I honestly had such a lump in my throat. It was a mixture of anger and sorrow. Since I didn't respond, most of the guys turned around to make sure I was okay. I finally came back to my senses and explained to the guys what was going on.

"Oh we are going to kill him this week" Pedri said, getting out of the water too. "Yeah no one hurts, Sav '' Ansu yelled, causing all the other guys to get out too. Everyone started to get riled up and I looked over to see the noise woke Sav up.

I deleted the messages and walked over to her and handed her the phone back. She looked up at me and giggled. "Why do you look so serious?" she said, pulling me down to her lap. "No reason" I lied back to her. I laid with her there in the sun.

I tried to calm myself down, but it made me so mad. I was going to go ham on him on thursday. I wrapped my arms around her tired to protect her from the hurt that she didn't deserve.

I looked over to see the guys had walked inside to get dressed. I knew they were all plotting how to beat him up without getting in trouble during the game. I just kept laying there and not long after she fell back asleep. I moved some hair out of her face and kissed her forehead before falling asleep after her.

It was crazy how one person could make me feel so calm, so happy, and so content without even trying. 

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