"He Has The Fatest Crush On You"

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The team dinner with the boys went great. They were super supportive. In fact, I was standing backstage at my first show and the whole team was sitting in the front row. I was nervous. Even though they had all seen me in a micro bikini, I still felt weird walking down a runway in underwear in front of them.

"First VS show?" A girl who was standing next to me asked. "Yeah," I said uncertainty. She smiled the prettiest smile I had ever seen. "You are going to do great. I swear it isn't as scary as you have in your mind." she said to me before being called away from me by a designer. I took some deep breaths and really thought about what she had said.

How did I get here? It wasn't even a month ago that I had never modeled and now I was basically in the super bowl of modeling gigs. The show was about to get started and I went to look for Lauren. "We should go look out really fast," I said , grabbing her hand when I found her. She followed me to the entrance to the stage and we peeked out to see the WHOLE team was sitting there.

She looked at me with crazy eyes and said,"I can't do this." I laughed and put my arm around her. "Just pretend that they are Marissa. Just 30 Marissa's sitting there." This caused her to laugh as we walked to find our spots.


I felt the stage lights hit me as I walked out onto the runway. Lauren had gone right before me and when we met in the middle, we did a little sassy hair flip at each other. I could feel the whole team looking at me. It felt weird because at this point these guys were like my brothers and the older ones were like my dads. It felt weirdly fun though. I liked all the eyes on me as I strutted my stuff across the stage. When I finished my walk I was almost sad.


The show ended and I went out to find the boys. I walked out and laughed at how awkward they all looked sitting there as a flock of people chatted around them. I clutched my bag and walked over to them. When they saw me they all jumped up. I noticed that they all hesitated to give time for Gavi to get to me first. He hugged me and kissed the top of my head. "You did great!" he said, squeezing me extra hard.

We stood there for a second when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see it was pedri nervously scratching the back of his neck. "Do you know where Lauren is?" he asked me without making eye contact. "She went to find ehr boyfriend who came to support her." I said , trying to keep a straight face. I saw Pedro's face fall. I smacked in the arm. "I am just kidding. She is talking to her agent about some jobs people want to book her for. She should be out soon." It was crazy how I could see life come back into his eyes. He stood a little taller and more confident.


It had been a long day and when we got home Lauren and I crashed on the couch, dropping all our stuff in the process. I closed my eyes and fell onto the couch letting the softness of the cushions suck me in. I really didn't realize how tired I was until I was laying there fighting sleep.


I rolled over as the sun shined into the living room windows. I rubbed my eyes and questioned if yesterday was real or if I dreamt it all. I picked up my phone to see about 1000 notifications from people I knew. They were all sending me an article that was written about me. I clicked on it to see the headline. "AMERICAN MODEL LIGHTING THE BARCELONA STAGE ON FIRE '' It did feel cool to be recognized and the pictures of me were so good I couldn't even. I rolled off the couch and walked in the kitchen to see Gavi with his airpods in making breakfast.

I smiled a devilish grin and I ran over and jumped onto his back. The force of my jump made him bend over to the counter with me still on his back. Just at that moment, Pedri and Lauren walked in. " we can give you space to do whatever this is." Pedri said, chuckling. I walked over and punched him in the arm which caused him to put his hands up in defense.

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