"I Hope I Look At Sira The Way He Looks At Sav"

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I woke up to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes slowly to see that I was still laying next to Gavi. I turned over to see Ferran was the one shaking me. "Ummm there are boys here for you?!" He said confused. It took me a little bit to realize who he was talking about. "JOSH!!!" I jumped out of bed and put on the first thing I could find. It ended up being a blue shirt and white shorts with my Air Forces.

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(from pinterest)

I ran down stairs and came to a sudden halt. I started laughing because Josh and Charlie were standing just inside the doorway and the other 20 guys on the team were death staring at them. "Josh! Charlie!" I ran up and hugged them. Everyone still stood there and stared at us. "Walk backwards out the door" I whispered to them "no sudden movements" I giggled as they walked out. They looked so scared. I turned to the team and shot them all a look "be back later" I said and ran out the door.

Gavi's POV

I woke up and realized that Sav was gone. I got out of bed and did my normal routine. When I walked downstairs I saw all the boys dead staring at the door. "What is going on?" I asked, looking at Ansu. "Two boys just came and picked Sav up" he said "I didn't like their vibe" everyone nodded in agreement. "Guys that is her friend Josh, we have met him before when he came to our training clinic. He is her best friend and I don't want anyone saying anything to her" I said very sternly to the group. "Aye aye captain" Ferran salutes me and everyone goes about their day.

It had been a couple of hours and Sav still hasnt texted me. I wanted to give her space, I really did, but images of the boys doing bad things to her kept popping up in my mind. Against my better judgment I pulled out my phone and sent her "you doing ok?" And sent it. I was sitting in my room quietly staring at the wall trying to shake off any bad images, but I just couldn't. I would sit there and soak in all the bad things that could be happening to her. I had never loved anyone before. I didn't know if this was normal, to worry, but I didn't know what to do.

I decided to walk downstairs and sit with the guys to hopefully get my mind off of her. I walked downstairs and started playing FIFA with the boys on a PlayStation that the house had. I was mid game when I got a call. "Hey Pedri, can you answer that? '' I yelled to him. He walked over and picked up my phone. Then he went silent and I turned around to see that all the color had drained from his face. He nodded and hung up the phone. then turned to me "Something happened to Sav '' he said choked up. I was up and out the door so fast.

Savannah's pov

I was walking and talking with Charlie and Josh. I was so happy talking about the kids that we used to go to school with. He was telling me about how some mean girls, who would bully me, were now obsessed with me and would tell people we were best friends. I laughed. They used to hate me and now they wanted my fame. I was about to ask him a question when a skateboarder came down the street and someone shoved me out in front of them. I lost my balance and fell hitting my head hard on the concrete. I felt Charlie pick me up and then my world went black.

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