The Move In

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Gavi's POV

Pedri and I were sitting in the living room watching something random on Tv waiting for Sav to wake up because we had something we wanted to talk to he about. "Are you sure we should do this?" Predri says looking at me with a very serious face. "Yes" I said very certainly. We had just finished talking when I heard my bedroom door open. We both look to our left to see Sav, still in the gray sweats, walks out and looks at the both of us looking back at her. "What?" She asks making a face  as she pulls the ponytail holder out of her hair. "Can you come sit down please?" Pedri says before I can. "Sure?" She says walking over and sitting down unsurely. She sits down and this time I talk. "My parents called me this morning to tell me that they are going to sell a second home we own here in Barca. They wanted to know if Pedri and I wanted to buy it. Since our lease is ending we thought it would be great, but Pedri brought up a point. You stay with us a lot, so the next logical step would be for you to move into the house with us. It would make me feel better because I know you are safe and you won't have to worry about rent and landlords. Don't worry it is a sprawling mansion and you will have plenty of space." I finished talking and looked at her to assess how she was feeling. She looked shocked for a couple of seconds. He first and only words were "when do we move in?". I thought about it for a second. "Well we could move in today we just didn't know when your lease ended" Pedri said stepping in for me. I nod in agreement she stands up excitedly to hug both Pedri and I. "I need to go home and pack." She says starting to get flustered and overwhelmed. I pulled a shiny gold key out of my pocket. "Here you go. Your house key" i said and she snatched it from me.

We drove her to her apartment and she got out. Right before she walked in she turned back to the car. "It should only take me a couple of days max to pack" she said to the both of us. "Take as long as you need" I said to her "we should be starting our move in tonight if you want to come by '' I said back to her. "Let's see how much I get done today '' when she turns around and walks into her building. I was so excited for her to live with us.


It was three days later and I was standing on the front porch. I had just gotten a text from Sav that she was almost here. I was standing there waiting and I couldn't help, but let my mind drift off into my imagination. I was thinking about how I hope one day we would move into a house together with kids, dogs, and happily married. I was deep in thought when I saw her pull up in a U-Haul and pedri behind her driving her car. She pulled up the driveway and hopped out. I instantly ran over to help her unload. It took us about 2 hours,but we got all her boxes in the house and up to her room. Some of it was stuff from around her house so while we carried stuff up to her room Pedri carried that stuff into the kitchen. My parents had left all the furniture for us. Thank God, so we didn't have to worry about that. I made sure that Sav and I had a room next to each other. I was still a little shaken up about that guy a couple of days ago. It was so scary how one minute she was laying on the towel next to me asleep and the next minute she was being picked up by some creep who was trying to take her. I just wanted her to be safe

(This is what I had in mind, but you can picture whatever)

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(This is what I had in mind, but you can picture whatever)


Savannah's pov

I moved in about an hour ago. I was unpacking like crazy and decided to take a break. I liked summer, but I missed the craziness of the soccer season. More importantly I missed Sira and Mikky who moved away for the summer. I couldn't wait a whole month to see them. I thought I was going to go insane. I love Gavi and Pedri, but I need to find other friends because they will drive me crazy if I am living with them and talking to no one else. In a moment of impulse I pulled out my phone and signed up for a club golf league that was run out of Barca. After I did I took a deep breath and for the first time in a long time I was genuinely excited for the next few months because now I would be back in the groove of practices and tournaments. I was just purely excited.

A/n sorry this chapter is so short. I just wanted them to move in and didn't know how else to add it to the story. I will try to get another chapter up by tomorrow

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