"She Fell First, But He Fell Harder"

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Gavi's Pov

I woke up to Sav no longer in the bed. I rolled over and hopped out of bed. I brushed my teeth and got ready for the day. Since today was a saturday i was really hoping that we would just spend time together.

I walked downstairs and couldn't find her at first, but when I walked over to the back door and looked out, I found her. Her and Mikky were sitting on the dock talking about some that I couldn't hear. When i walked over to them, they stopped talking. I didn't really care. It was probably some girl things and i didnt need to hear those.

"Whats up?" Sav said right as I sat down next to them. I just nodded. "We were thinking that we should go on a boat ride today. Unless you have something you need to get home for?" she asked me. "Nope i have the whole weekend free" i said back. They both looked at each other and laughed.


It had been about an hour later and Frenkie had finally gotten up too. The both of us were sitting on the boat while we waited for the two girls to finish getting ready and come down here. We were just lightly chatting about soccer when we heard the door open. I turn around to see Sav walking down the stairs in a blue striped dress. It had a completely open back and she looked stunning in it. I gasped, making frenkie look at me. When he followed my gaze to see what I was looking at, he nodded.

 When he followed my gaze to see what I was looking at, he nodded

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(outfit is from pinterest)

I helped the two girls onto the boat and once we were all safely on it, frenkie started to drive it. It felt like summer even though it was still very much winter. The two girls were sitting up at the front laughing about something. On the other hand Frenkie and I were at the back sitting in silence. I didn't care because my eyes were fixed on Sav. the way the sides of her mouth went up and her teeth showed as she smiled and laughed. The way that the dress fit her figure just perfectly. It really made me feel lucky that I had such a nice and sweet, yet hot, girlfriend all to myself.

We had anchored down and were all sitting around talking now. "What else are we going to do today?" I asked the group not to go home. This get away had been so much fun. "Well we could hang out for the rest of the day and go out to a nice dinner later on." Mikky said to the group. Frenkie and Sav nodded in agreement.

I reached my arm out and moved the hair out of her face which caused her to smile and lean into me. I shifted my weight and put my arm around her. She smiled the cutest smile ever and went on talking to Mikky about some drama.


We had gotten off the boat a couple of hours ago. "GAVI!!!" i heard Sav yell from upstairs. Not knowing what was wrong I bolted upstairs to see her standing in the bathroom doing her makeup for dinner. "How much do you love me?" she asked me very seriously. I stood there speechless, not because I didn't love her, but because I couldn't put it into words. "Well" she continued on "i ran out of mascara and i need you to drive me to get some more." I chuckled a little bit and led her out of the house.

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