First Day Drama

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GAVI's pov

"We are home" Sav whispers in my ear. I open my eyes and look over to see her standing on the plane smiling with our bags. "Give me those" I took them out of her hands and we started to walk off the plane. We had just got back to Barça from the USA. We were walking off the plane and a huge group of fans were standing there. I usually just walk by but Sav stopped in front of me and squatted down next to a little girl. The girl had Sav's face on her shirt and watching how excitied she was when Sav started talking to her was magical. I was standing there admiring how well she was with kids. She was sitting there talking to the girl when she slipped the bracelet she was wearing off and handed it to her. After that she hugged her and stood up signaling to me to follow her. "That was nice" I said finally catching up to her. "She was cute" Sav said taking the hair tie out of her hair. We had reached the doors of the airport and hopped into an Uber to take us home. It had been a long day of traveling and the three of us were whopped.

We walked into the house and dropped our bags in the doorway before turning and running upstairs. "I can't believe it is almost August," Pedri said to us after we all reached the top of the stairs. "I don't want to go back to actual work tomorrow" Sav said to the both of us, basically falling over asleep. "Well I need some sleep. Goodnight" Pedri said and turned to walk to his room.

This left Sav and I standing there alone. "Where are you going to sleep?" I asked her, pulling some hair out of her face. "I think I just need my own bed after sharing with you all trip" she responds making both of us smile. "Goodnight my love" I say, pulling her in and kissing her on the forehead. She walks into her room and shuts the door leaving just me the only one standing there. Although I was tired I didn't want to go to sleep. After all, today was the last day before we went back for regular season training.

I was sitting on the couch when someone rang the doorbell. I got up and answered the door and when I saw who was standing there my body filled with anger. "Anita" I said, not trying to hide my anger at all. "Where is she? '' she said, pushing past me into the house. She didn't even hesitate and just made a break for it upstairs. She ran down the hall before she reached a door that had a "S'' hanging on the front of it. I was running after her, but she just got too big of a head start. I saw her open Sav's door and right when I reached it, she shut it and locked it. "Shoot" I said under my breath, not knowing what to do. I ran to Pedro's room and woke him up. "Anita.... In Sav's room ..... door locked" I tried to get out between breaths. He shot up and ran to the door. We heard someone struggling in the room. I don't know what happened, but something in me snapped and I just broke the door clean off his hinges. "Woah" is all Pedri said before we ran into her room.

When we got in there we couldn't find them at first, but then I saw a shadow on the balcony. I ran out to see Sav was sitting on the ground holding her stomach. "What is going on?" I said stepping out of the door and this triggered Anita to turn to me. "Just wanted her to know who was in charge" she said back to me with a little smirk. "You might want to leave," I said calmly. Pedri comes out and grabs her arm forcing her through the house and out the front door. After that I have no idea where he will take her. I turned back to Sav who had a look of pain on her face. I squat down next to her. "Are you okay?" I say looking at where she was holding herself. I take her arm off and see a huge back and blue bruise. We both look at it in shock. "She kicked me" Sav said quietly "I didn't think it was this bad." I help her up and I walk her into her room. I help her get onto her bed and she lays down. I sit next to her and rub her head until she goes to sleep. Then I get up and walk over picking up the door and leaning it against the wall.

Pedro's POV

I was so mad, I was driving like a lunatic. Anita was in the backseat crying about how sorry she was. I knew those were fake tears. They were the same tears she cried to Gavi after cheating on him. I wasn't listening to what she was saying, instead I was focused on the road. Soon the road turns into a long driveway. I pull up it and get out grabbing Anita by the arm. I knock on the door and very shortly after that The president of the club answers. It was late at night and I could tell he was in his pjs. When he saw me he was confused, but when he saw Anita it was like the puzzle pieces fit together. "She came to my house and attacked Savannah '' I told him, so upset I could barely breathe. He signals for Anita to get off the ground and go inside. "I will deal with her, '' he said to me, looking genuine about how sorry he was. I nod and turn around. I get in my car and drive off.

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