The Christmas Crazies

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TW: there is a little talk about SA. it is near the end and if that is triggering please don't read. I love you all too much.

"All I want for Christmas is you!" I yell as I run and jump into the bed and onto Gavi who was still asleep. I lay on top of him and look up at him. He wraps his arms around me and holds me up next to him. "Sav you are 18. Do we really have to get up 6:00 am to open presents?" He said, opening his eyes and looking at me. "UMMM YES!!" I say to him and grab his cheeks. "I am never told old for Christmas!!" I got up off of him. I stand there, looking at him, waiting. "GAVI!!!" I say leaning really close to his face. I must have jumped scared him because he jolted up in bed. I noticed he was shirtless and after a minute of looking at how hot he was, I spoke. "Put clothes on. Santa doesn't want to see that '' I said, throwing a sweatshirt at him. He groaned and put it on then followed me out of the room.

I ran to Pedro's room and did the same thing to him.

I was running down the stairs and they were more slowly shuffling. "COME-" I stop suddenly when I see the gifts under the tree. Last night, before I went to bed, there were six gifts under the tree. Which means we each got each other a gift, but right now there had to be 20. I look at them in confusion. They start to giggle. " We went a little crazy this year. '' Gavi giggles and I run to them and hug them.

I run over to gifts like a little kid and we sort them out. They opened their gifts from me at the same time and had the same shocked look on their faces. It was a soccer ball and track suit with my name and face on it. I was laughing so hard I didn't see Gavi stand up. He started to tickle me and I, no joke, thought I was actually going to pee.

After he sat back down I was basically shaking as they got ready for me to open my gifts. I waited until Gavi and Pedri both nodded at me to continue. When they did I wasted no time and ripped the paper off the first one. It was this dress I really wanted. "Thanks" I squealed. I held it up to soak in all its glory. I looked at it for a couple of seconds before carefully putting it back in its box and continuing on.

I did the same thing for every gift. Opening it , thanking them, and then really looking at it. The last gift was a small box from Gavi. I opened it and it was a really pretty necklace with these huge strange looking stones. "This is so cool. What kinds of stones are these?" I asked him turning the box so Pedri could look. "Funny you should ask that. One night on the USA trip, after you fell asleep, I went back to your childhood home. I talked to the home owners and they showed me these cool stones that had apparently been there since you were living there and I thought I could make something cool out of it." Gavi said to the two of us. "There is no way," I said in shock, feeling tears coming up to my eyes. He nodded and I ran over to him and gave him a big hug. It was more me throwing myself on him, but he caught me really well, so I will call it a hug.

After we were done we went into the kitchen and were eating breakfast when I got a call. It was an unknown number, but YOLO and I picked it up. "Hello?" I was confused. There was a couple of seconds of silence before a very familiar voice started talking. "Hi Sav Merry Christmas" those words made my body go cold. It was my Ex, Jake. "How did you get this number?" I asked really sternly, making the two boys in front of me look. "Yeah actually I think you should never call again" I said and hung up before he could answer.

"That was weird," I said, putting my phone down. A sudden sense of not being safe washed over me. "Who was that?" I heard Gavi ask, but it sounded more like an echo and it was super far away. I started to feel goosebumps rise on my arms making it hurt my hadn't the more I squeezed myself to stop it. I felt a warm hand touch me, but even that started to feel cold and empty after a while. "Omg Sav?! Are you okay? Why are you so cold?" Gavi asked, pulling his hand off my arm and standing up next to me. I started to breathe faster and faster until I was having a full blown panic attack. The two of them didn't know what to do.

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