The "First Date"

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I was sitting in my office, working, as the day came to an end. Boy was it a long one. "Hey Sav I want to talk to you" I look up to see Gavi walking into the room. "What's up?" I stopped what I was doing to look at him. He looks down for a second before speaking. "We have been dating for a little bit and I haven't taken you on a proper date." He looks up and into my eyes "would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight?" I don't know why I was shocked. I mean we were dating. "Ofc I would love to" I saw getting up and walking over to him. "It is a nice restaurant and I want you to wear one of your fun dresses," he said, looking down at me with happiness in his eyes. "Ok I will" I say, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss.

"Ewww get a room" a voice sounds out and we jump apart. I look to see Pedri now standing in the room. "Ummm we did. This is my office" I say, pointing around the room. "We need to get home because I am tired" he whines like a little kid and the three of us walk out.

Once we get home I immediately go upstairs to pick out just the right dress for my date. I was looking through my closet when I pulled out a light pink silk dress. I had never worn it and thought this was the perfect time.

(As always the dress is from Lucy in the sky)

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(As always the dress is from Lucy in the sky)

I hopped in the shower then got out and did my makeup. I put the dress in and threw on the same white heels I wore everywhere. After that I pulled my hair into a half up, half down style. Once I was done I packed my purse with some things I would need and looked at the time. It was about 5:50 and Gavi told me I wasn't allowed to come downstairs until 6:00. I sat down on my bed and waited for the time to pass. It gave me a lot of time to think about things. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling on tik tok. I saw a fan edit of the two of us and clicked on the comments to see if everyone thought we were dating. At that moment it dawned on me that we hadn't released it to the public. I did have to laugh a little bit at how right everyone was all along.

I put my phone down and just laid there letting my eyes rest for a second. When I opened them and looked at the time it was exactly 6:00. I stood up and walked downstairs to see Gavi in a suit with flowers. When he saw me his eyes lit up. "I like this dress the best," he said, looking me up and down. "Thanks" I said, taking the flowers he was handing me and we walked out the door.

We pulled up to the restaurant and of course paparazzi were outside. "How did they know we were going to be here?" I asked Gavi right before I got out of the car. "Nobody knows. They just show up." He grabbed my hand and got out. As we walked to the door they were shouting and asking questions. I just put my head down and walked in. Luckily when we got in they didn't follow us. We were led to our table which was outside overlooking the ocean. Gavi sat down, but I stood up to look at the sunset. I loved them so much, the way the colors faded into each other. I just loved them. "Come decide what you are going to eat and then you can go back to looking" Gavi said from behind me. I walked over and picked something on the menu.

After we ordered I took a deep breath and then spoke. "So..." I said, making Gavi look at me. "When are we going to tell the world we are dating." I was scared he was going to say something bad, but instead he grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes. "Whenever you at ready my love. Just know I have some crazy fans" we both chuckled a little bit. "Let's do it right now" I said to him grabbing my phone. We took a photo of us kissing and I posted it on Instagram. Gavi did the same and we put our phones on DND. "Well let's see what happens" I said to him right as the food came.

We ate and talked. It really was a super fun night. "Ok on the count of three we turn our phones off of DND." Gavi says to me "1...2...3" he counts and when he reaches three I click the half moon button. Instantly my phone started going crazy. Texts from friends, DMs from fans, and missed calls from the players. "I guess everyone noticed" I laughed to him while scrolling through my notifications. "Yeah EVERYONE did," he said, laughing while also scrolling on his phone. We spent a little time scrolling, then got up to leave. "This was actually so fun," I said as we left.

When we reach the door I look out to see the paparazzi in full swing. "Ready?" Gavi says, grabbing my hand. I nod and we walk out the door. Honestly I closed my eyes and let him lead me to the car. Once we got in I looked at him kind of sad. I loved him so much but I hated all the publicity. "Welcome to your new life" he said fake smiling at me and doing jazz hands. I did laugh a little and we drove off.

We were on our way home when I turned to him. "I want ice cream" I say to him. "Ok I know where we can go" he says keeping his eyes on the road. We drive for a couple of minutes before pulling up to a little shack. "This was my favorite place to come when I was a little kid" his eyes got really big as he looked at it. We get out and walk up to the window. I was still in my dress and him in his suit. We were standing in line and I shivered a bit causing him to take his jacket off and hand it to me. After I put it on, a couple of fans came up and took photos with us. I liked talking to them, it was a boy and a girl, we chatted for a bit before it was our turn to order. When we got to the window it was an older lady who was taking the orders. When she noticed Gavi she started to scream and cry. She ran out to us and hugged him. When she stepped back she took a look at the two of us. "This is my childhood best friend's mom. She helped raise me." Gavi said looking at the very confused look on my face. "Who is this fine young lady Gavi?" She said making me blush. "My name is Savannah-" I started to say, but gavi cut me off. "She is my girlfriend". The mom started to cry. "She is so beautiful Gavi be nice to her" she said being serious. "If he ever gives you trouble call me okay" she was now talking to me. Once she was done she turned and grabbed some ice cream and handed it to us. "It's on the house" she said. "Thank You so much it was great to meet you" I told her and she hugged me.

We got into the car and I was eating my ice cream. I got cookies and cream, but when I looked over Gavi's peanut butter chocolate, I realized I wanted it more. "How much do you love me?" I asked making Gavi send a confused look my way. "I want your ice cream now" I said giving him puppy dog eyes. He heavy sighed and handed it to me. He kissed my cheek and said "I would give you a limb if you asked." This made me smile and I gave him my old ice cream to finish.

We pulled up to our house and went inside. We got in there and the whole team was all standing in the living room. "Hello?" I said walking into a room full of men looking at me. "We just wanted to celebrate your relationship being out in the open" Raphina said, pulling out Vodka. "LETS PAR-TAY" Ferran yelled out and turned up music. It was fun, there was a lot of dancing and drinking. A lot of drinking. I had wayyy too much. I could barely stand up straight. It had been a couple of hours and people started to leave. "Nooo I want to keep partying" I slurred as Gavi walked me up to my room. "You have partied enough. You still need sleep" he said, finally picking me up after realizing I wasn't going to walk on my own.

He walked to my room and opened the door before setting me down. The second my feet touched the ground I bolted for the bathroom. I kneeled down in front of the toilet and started to throw up. I loved partying but I hated throwing up. Gavi came in after me and squatted down grabbing my hair and holding it out of my face. "I want it off" I whined still so drunk out of my mind. "What?" Gavi says looking at me and I start to take off my shoes. My hands were shaking and I couldn't do it. I lean back in defeat and feel Gavi take them off for me. I then grab the pjs I had thrown in the floor that morning and I start to take my dress off to get changed. Again I couldn't do it and Gavi did it for me. After I was done puking my guts out I stood up and brushed my teeth and took my makeup off.

I walked to my bed and Gavi followed. He helped me lay down and my eyes started to shut the second my head hit the pillow. He tucked me in and kissed me on the cheek. He was on his way out when I yelled at him. "Wwaaiitt '' I whine "I want you to be with me tonight" He didn't say anything back. He just came over and got in the bed next to me. He pulled me closer to him and I was out cold.

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