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A/N: sorry this chapter is so short. Something tragic happened to my family today and I needed time to process, but I didn't want to leave you hanging. I am doing fine. I just needed some time.

"Come on Sav, are you almost ready?" Sira whined from my bed. I was standing in the mirror and putting a "2023" headband on. It was finally New Years and Balde was throwing a party at his house. Mikkey and Sora had come over to get ready with me, but now they were done and annoying me. "Give me one second" I said back to them. I pulled a strand of hair out in front of the headband and took a look at my whole outfit. I was wearing a simple black dress with diamond straps. I put on silver heels to match the straps and walked into my room.

 I put on silver heels to match the straps and walked into my room

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(Dress is from Lucy in the sky)

"Lets go" Mikky said, jumping up and we all ran down the stairs and to the car.

The boys had left a couple of hours ago because they were going to set up. When we pulled up I sent Gavi a text telling him I was there. We all got out of the car and walked into Balde's mansion. 

The second we got in there I lost the two girls and was left on my own. I walked around looking for someone I knew. I did, but not in a good way. I had just walked into the kitchen and I made eye contact with Mario. "Shit" I said under my breath turning to walk out. "SAVANNAH!!" I heard him yell and run over to me. 

I turned around and started to get away from him fast. Where was Gavi? I kept walking in circles around the house until I spotted him outside on a pool chair talking with a group of people.

I made a break for him and I could feel Mario right behind me. When I burst through the doors, it made the group look at me. I could now see that it was Gavi, Pedri, Balde, Pablo Toree, Frankie, Garcia, and Ferran. 

They all saw me and were confused why I was running until they saw Mario appear behind me. I jumped over Gavi's legs and made sure to put the boys in between us. "You might want to leave," Eric growled at him. We had told them about what happened already and they were not happy. Balde even was surprised he was at the party seeing as he wasn't invited. Mario grunted and then walked out.

"You good?" Pedri said looking at my ghost white face. "Yeah I just hate that guy" I said back and leaning on Gavi. They went on talking about random things. It was nice being with people who made me feel safe and protected me. I felt so loved. 

We were all sitting there enjoying ourselves when the door opened again. I was picking at my nail, so I didn't look up immediately, but when I did I screamed. "JOSH!!!" I jumped up and he moved to the side. "MAKENZIE" I squealed even louder. I ran over to them and we had a group hug moment. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked them. "Well we haven't seen you in months and since we are on a longer Christmas break because of college. We decided to come visit." Makenzie said and I hugged her again.

They both leaned over my shoulder to look at something. I turned around and saw that the boys were silently staring at us. "Why do they always do this?" Josh whispered to me. "I don't know, but do you want to sit down?" I said to them gesturing to the empty couch that was on the other side of the circle. They slowly walked over and sat down and I went back over to Gavi. "Guys this is Josh, who you already know, and that is Makenzie. These are my two best friends in the whole wide world" I said to the group and the two of them waved awkwardly. "Hi" everyone said at once. Then we started to talk again. Josh and Makenzie fit right in with the group.

We laughed and joked with each other. It really was a great night. "Guys it is almost time, '' Alba said, walking outside to get us. We all got up and walked inside to where we could see the ball drop. It showed we only had a minute left of 2022. 

I held my breath. What a crazy year. "5...4.....3.....2....." Everyone chanted and when it hit one. Gavi grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss. It was magical, everyone was cheering and Gavi was kissing me. 

After a moment we pulled away and I looked to the side and gasped. Balde was kissing Makenzie. It was weird. Even though Makenzie was also 18, I swear I remember her when she was three, so to see her making out with someone was just weird.

The both of us just stood there and watched. They pulled away and looked into each other's eyes before turning and noticing that they had an audience. "Stalker much" Makenzie said to Gavi and I made us crack a smile. "Just watching," I said back, mocking her tone.

After That we all just went back to partying. I decided to stay away from drinks tonight. Since I knew Mario was here, I didn't want to be drunk and not be able to protect myself. "Come on Sav" Josh said very drunk "LETS PAR-TAY." He threw his hands up in the air and started to dance. He grabbed my hands and started to spin me around. We were having fun dancing. I don't even notice Gavi was watching from a distance. I motioned him to come over and I leaned into his ear "wanna dance lover boy?" I pulled back and saw his eyes sparkle a little bit. We started to dance and jump around to the music.

It had to be 3:00 am when we left. Josh and Makenzie went back to their hotel and Pedri, Gavi, and I went home. We walked into a house and I bee-lined for the bathroom. I took a shower to wash the party off of me and put pjs on. I was about to fall into my bed when I heard Gavi walk in. I was so tired, so his sad look on his face didn't even register in my brain.

"I just want you to know that one day I am going to marry you" he said straight faced. "You're going to travel the world with me and be my biggest fan. Then, when the time is right, you are going to carry my children and I am going to give you guys the world. Okay?" I just looked at him confused. "Gavi, is there something wrong?" I asked because this was weird for him. "Nope, I just wanted you to know my plans." He said then smiled at me.

I nodded and we both laid down in my bed. I pulled out my phone and saw a text from my old golf coach. It read... "happy new year Savannah. I hope you never lose your love for the game." I smiled and responded with "it is still my one true love:)." Then I sent it and laid my head down.

I just laid there. I could tell Gavi was asleep, but nothing I did could make me. I just laid there. Finally after an hour I got up and walked down to the living room and was scrolling through YouTube, when I stumbled upon one of my favorite YouTubers as a kid/teen. I clicked on his news video and laid down to watch. His face and voice was comforting even though I never actually knew him. It took me back to after school in middle school when I would come home and watch him for hours. 

"Happy new year" I whispered up to the sky at my family who I knew was watching me. "I love you." Then my eyelids got too heavy and I fell asleep. 

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