In New York

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I was standing in the doorway of the meeting room. I was recording the boys as they said hi to each other and hugged, oh the fans would love this. This was the first meeting back after summer. We were all saying hi when Xavi walked in and quieted us down. "Ok to get started" he says and then talks for the next 2 hours about what the club's goals are for the season. I was sitting there bored. I was so excited to talk about the USA tour. After all the talking, Xavi goes quiet and takes a deep breath. "Okay now the USA tour" he says and I perk up. "We will be playing against their pro soccer teams. I can't remember what the league is called.- ""MLS" I cut him off. "Thank you," he says, smiling at me. I loved listening to the plans. I was so excited to travel back and be at home again. Just like before he talked for a while about what it was going to look like. When he finished all the boys started to stand up. Gavi comes over to me "you excited?" He asks sarcastically, seeing the look of happiness on my face. "Yes!!" I say and we walk out of the room.


I was standing on the runway waiting for the boys. "Come on" I yell to them jumping up and down like I would when I was a kid. The slow pokes finally make it to me and we start to walk up the stairs onto the jet. I was struggling with my suitcase though. I was determined though to get it to the top. There were paparazzi all around the plane and I knew they were taking photos of me struggling. Luckily at that moment I felt the weight of the suitcase taken off of my arms. I looked over to see Gavi had grabbed it for me. "Thanks" I whisper to him. We get on the jet and walk to our seats. Obviously Gavi sat next to me. We took off and all the boys were asleep, but I couldn't. I was so excited. I was sitting deep in thought about all the places I wanted to go when I heard Gavi's voice "Sav you need sleep" he says, pulling into a laying position. "I can't" I say back, but still laying down. "I am excited". I was looking at the ceiling of the plane. "Yes I know you are but we have 12 hours until we land. If you go to sleep now you can still wake up and have plenty of time to be excited" he pulled himself closer to me and talked with his eyes still closed. I scooted closer to him so that we were pressed up against each other. He took a long deep berth and then fell back to sleep, I couldn't though I just laid there.


"Are you you going to wake them?" I hear a voice  that I think was Ferran's. "Take a photo first" This time there was a voice that I didn't know. If I was guessing it was Pablo Torree. A silence and then an "ok I got it" followed. "Wake up" Ferran leaned over us and said sweetly. I hadn't opened my eyes yet because I was so comfy. I guess I had fallen asleep and now instead of laying next to Gavi it was more my torso was on top of him and my legs were laying off to the side. I felt Gavi shift from underneath me, but he made sure to keep his arms around me. "Sav we have to get up, '' he said sweetly in my ear. "No there is no way we are here" I say keeping my full body weight on top of him. "We aren't here, but Xavi wanted everyone awake to go over some things' ' Ferran says while standing over us. I didn't move. Instead of just pushing me off Gavi picks me up bridal style. "If you aren't going to stand up then I am going to move you myself" he says walking to the front where the whole team was gathered. "Look! The two love birds are awake"  Ansu shouts and the whole team chuckles. "Just friends. Just friends' ' I say calmly to the whole team as Gavi sets me down.

After Xavi got our attention he started to go over some things like rooms, food, ECT. When he was done he let us all go back to our seats. At this point I was wide awake and there was no way I was going back to sleep. I sat there and watched my favorite movie. Right when I had finished I pulled out my AirPods and Ferran turned to me from the row infront to tell me we would be landing soon. Suddenly the adrenaline started pumping through me again. I sat there for the next 30 minutes trying to contain my excitement. I then felt a bump and realized we had landed. New York City was our first stop. Once the plane had come to a stop I jumped up "USA" I screamed and ran all the way to the front. Gavi again grabbed my bag for me. When they opened the door and rolled the stairs up I zoomed down them. I was having a sensory overload. I was so happy to be there.

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