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I was done, but Gavi and Pedri were still eating. "I have to go to the bathroom" I say, breaking the minutes of silence that had once again overtaken us. They nod letting me know that they heard what I said. I get up and walk there. It was a single bathroom. Thank God, I closed the toilet lid and sat there thinking about how the session went, thinking about my family's death, thinking about how fast my life changed, then I found myself thinking about Gavi. It doesn't make sense. I had known him for all of 24 hours and yet I can't get him off my mind. They way he is effortlessly himself, I love it. I look at my phone and realize I had been in the bathroom for 10 minutes. I got up and washed my hands, even though I didn't actually have to, and walked out. I found the two of them sitting there done. They both smiled when they saw me and stood up, they walked over and asked what we wanted to do since we had the day off. I shrugged and I didn't really care. They did not accept this answer and continued to stare at me. I finally gave in "I need some more clothes. I know it looks like I brought a lot, but really I left almost all of it when I left home."

A week  ago

I am sitting in the airport when my phone screen lights up. I know I had to send the text, but it still hurts. I pick up my phone and see a text from makenzie "WHAT!? WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" I sent a simple text back "barça. I love you" I then put my phone in airplane mode when I had seen it sent. The airport speaker at my gate started to guide us into the boarding process. I got up and boarded when it was my turn. It hurt. I knew the right thing for me was to leave the USA. I needed time apart from everything that had happened, but I was still leaving my best friends and the place I grew up. Just before we took off. I turned off airplane mode and sent one more text. " I am going to live in Barça for a while. I need time away. I love you still." I sent it and unplugged it. I didn't know if this was the right thing, but I felt like I needed to get away.


Pedri smiles and we all walk out the door. We get into his car, like normal, those two in the front and me in the back. We arrived at my favorite store ever, Nike!! I squeak  and they look at me with 'omg are you ok' expressions in their faces. I excitedly state," Nike is my favorite store ever!" Gavi smiles," well it just so happens that I partner with them. You can get whatever you want for free." My eyes become the size of my grandma's tea saucers and I basically launch myself out of the car. Since this is the normal for them they get out slow and lazy, which leads to basically pulling them into the store.


After a few hours of shopping, I had picked out some clothes I thought I would like. It consisted of a cool exclusive sweatshirt, 2 sports bras, some leggings, and a new pair of dunks that I had been wanting. I walk over to Gavi and Pedri who had been sitting there, they finished shopping a while ago, I hand Gavi the pile of things I wanted "is that all" he looks at the pile and asks sarcastically. I giggle again and nod.

Gavi's POV

We pull up to the Nike store and savannah makes a sound like she might throw up. Pedri and I look back to see her eyes fixed in the store. I smile and let her know that everything in there is free to her because I work with them. She screams and forces me out do the car. Once I am standing she runs in the store and runs away from Pedri and I. "I feel so used" Pedri says was chuckling. My eyes are still fixed on her. She looks so happy and I caused that. It only took me a couple of minutes of glazing over everything in the store to realize what I wanted. I sit down and notice some texts from the team group chat. It was paparazzi photos of us in the store. Ferran sent them with the caption "date?" I smile and text back "no Pedri is here too" he responds so fast I feel like he already had the comeback ready," threesome?" I look at the text and Pedri chuckles. I turn off my phone because I see she's making her way over to us hands full of stuff and smile still bright. She hands it to me and I walk over to the register. On my way I see a really cool Nike x fc barça sweatshirt I have never noticed. I grabbed one in my size and one in hers. I then went to check out. I can't wait to see her reaction to our twins moment.

Savannah's pov

After a long day of shopping we got back to my apartment and I thanked them.  I could do it myself, but  Gavi insists on carrying all my stuff for me. The second I get into my apartment I run for my dog. He is a little pug named "Christian." Gavi walks in and sets the stuff down on the counter. Right as he does that, Christian jumps out of my arms and runs to gavi. I smiled at how cute he was and he bent over and picked him up. Gavi smiled and asked what his name was. I smile back and tell him Christian , as in Christian Pulisic on the USMNT. He frowns " we need to change it to someone on a good team like barça or Spain" I smack him playfully. After Gavi kisses Christian one more time. He sets him down and gives me a huge goodbye. Then as I am pulling away he gives me a Kiss on the cheek. I froze, I know in movies other cultures it was common to do this, but it was still a culture shock to me. Gavi turns and walks out as he yells "see you tomorrow!"

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