I Just Needed A Break

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"Stop tickling me. I can't breathe" I said, laying on the field while Pedri and Ferran tickled me. Ansu and Gavi were rolling on the ground laughing next to us. "SAVANNAH!!" I heard Xavi yell from the sidelines. They got off me and I looked over at him to see two police officers standing next to him. My smile fades as I look at them in confusion. The boys helped me up and looked at me. "What is going on?" Ansu says from behind me. "I don't know, but one of those officers has an American flag on his uniform, so I have a bad feeling, '' I said to the group. I took a deep breath and started to slowly walk over to them. When I reached them, the two officers started to guide me off the field until we were standing in a breakroom.

The one with the American flag spoke first "we found who killed your family". There were words coming out of his mouth, but I couldn't process the words. "What?" I said flopping down onto the couch. My body was heavy, but my head was light. "We need you to fill these out, '' the other officer said to me, handing me papers. They walked out of the room and it fell silent. I started to flip through the papers until my eyes fell on a name. "Jackson Evans' ' I whispered. I could feel tears coming up, I didn't even know who this Jackson was, but I still cried because I was looking at the name of the person who killed my family.

I wiped them away and picked up my phone to call Josh. It rang twice then a "hello" followed. I broke down "they.....found...who.... Killed....my.... Family..." I tried to get out to him. His voice was soothing as he explained to me that this is a good thing. "I can't fill these out by myself," I said back to him. "It is going to be okay, '' he said back to me. As much as I loved Josh he was terrible at comforting. I was looking at the papers when I dropped them and ran out to Pedi's car and I jumped in and drove off.

Gavi's POV

It was so weird one minute we were rolling on the ground laughing and the next minute the cops were leading Sav inside. It had been about 30 minutes when I finally decided to go looking for her. I checked her office, the locker rooms, Lauren's office, and the main field. Nothing. I was actually walking back to the training fields when I looked into the lounge and saw a pile of papers and went over to look at them. At first I didn't know what they were, but it only took me a couple moments to figure it out. I looked at them in shock as I read every detail of the police report. It was gruesome the way they talked about the dead bodies, even though I could barely get through it.

"Where is Savannah?" Pedro says, peeking his head in the room. "I don't know, but I don't think it is good." I said taking a big gulp "I just found the police report for her family's death" I looked up at him and he was shocked. He walked over and sat down next to me pulling out his phone. After a couple of seconds he said "ummmm." I looked over at him and down at his phone. There was one text from Sav saying "I took your car. I need some time away." We both look at each other then down at the phone and then back at each other. "Where could she have gone?" Pedri said. A bad feeling washed over me and I looked out the windows at the world. She could be anywhere.

Slowly but surely some more of the boys came in and sat with us. First it was Ferran and Ansu. Then it was Blade and Pablo Toree. Lastly it was Eric Garcia and Frenkie. We all just kind sat there quietly looking around, but not at each other. "What happened?" Ansu finally spoke up, holding back tears. I then explained to everyone that they had given her paperwork about her family's death and how she left. "You really have no idea where she could be?" Balde said, sounding almost shocked. Then it dawned on me "the driving range" I looked at Pedri ''how could we be so stupid." All the other boys looked confused. "Just let her be. If she goes to the driving range the last thing she needs is other people there. That is her alone time." Pedri said, making the boys who had stood up, ready to go find her, sit back down.

Savannah's POV

Crack! Crack! Crack! The sounds of the golf ball hitting the club rang out. I was at the driving range with my air pods in, hitting balls. I needed to clear my head and the only place I could think was golf. It was the only constant in my ever changing life. I had just finished my bucket of balls when the feeling of sadness washed over me. I squatted down at the spot I was hitting and put my head on my knees. There weren't many people here today, so I wasn't worried about people judging me. I just sat there and cried. It was just me and golf together. "Come on Sav you can do this" I said to myself "you have done it before you can do it again. You just have to be strong and get up." A valuable lesson I had learned over the last year was that people can help you, but at the end of the day you have to make the decision to be strong and move on. I stood up and wiped the tears away. I saw a ball a foot out from the hitting spots and stepped to grab it. With one more swing I hit it perfectly. Even though so much happened in my life, I was glad I never lost my talent.

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