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DING!!! I was sitting in the locker room with the guys talking before the game when I heard my phone go off. "They are here !" I jumped up. The boys who I had played volleyball with on the beach had just shown up and were waiting for the grand experience. "Who is?" I heard Ansu ask with confusion lining his voice. "Those boys Sav met," Pedri responded, sounding annoyed. I didn't care though. I still ran to the door so I could let them in.

The boys and I had hung out twice since last Monday. The second time was when we all went out to lunch and the third time was when we played sand volleyball again , but this time it was at night. It had taken me a while but I had learned their names....






They were all super sweet and I enjoyed varying my friend group. They made me feel included and I never once felt like they were trying to ruin my relationship with Gavi. It was strictly platonic.

I pushed the door open and let them in. They went through a back door, so luckily no fans were around. "Thanks so much for doing this, '' Luca said, giving me a side hug. "Ofc I am so happy to show you guys around." I said turning and leading them to the locker room. I opened the door and all the boys turned to look at me. I swear the five of them looked so shell shocked I thought they were going to explode. "Ummm please breathe" I say, chuckling at the star struck boys in front of me. Carlos opened his mouth trying to say something, but nothing came out. It was the 5 of them staring at the team and the team staring at the 5 of them.

After some moments of silence Ferran walked up to them "you must the boys that Sav knows" he says sticking out his hand. They looked at him and then his hand and then back at him. "Guys he isn't going to bite '' I say smiling at them. Something inside of them must have softened because they all smiled and shook his hand. "It is nice to meet you. My name is Luca, '' Luca said to him. slowly but surely they made their way around talking to all the players. I could tell they were happy and the team, at least pretended, to care. After a while everyone was ready to start getting ready for the game. "Okay boys let me take you to your seats' ' I say, getting their attention and making my way over to the door. 

They all followed and I walked them to the first row off the field. Mikky and Sira were already there and I introduced them to each other. They instantly clicked and started to talk and laugh. "I am going to be on the field today, so these two ladies can help you if you need anything, '' I said to the boys and pointed to the girls. "Thanks" they said in sync and I walked off.

I had just gotten back to the locker room as all the boys were finishing up getting ready. I walked in and sat on top of the table in the middle. I was looking at my phone when some of the boys started to talk to me. "They seemed nice," Pedri said. "Something was off with them though" Frenkie said as I looked up at them. "Yeah I agree" Ansu said, making Ferran, Gavi, and Balde nod in agreement. "Interesting. I never picked up any bad vibes from them" I said defending them even though I really had no reason to. We were mid conversation when Xavi walked in and started his pregame speech.


I was standing in the hallway waiting for the team to get off the field. It was a nice 3-0 win against Espanyol. When I saw Gavi ran up to him to hug him, but it felt short. I just kind of patted myself and kept walking. I stood there confused. Had I done something wrong? I thought to myself , but I didn't have enough time for those thoughts because the 5 boys came walking in after them. 

"THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!" Diego yelled as they made their way over to me. "Thanks so much Savannah" Rio said "but I am pooped and I want to go home." All the boys nodded agreeing with him and I walked them out to the door. "Thanks again" they yelled as they walked away. I smiled and waved at them , before turning and walking back to the guys.

When I got to the locker room they were celebrating their win. I walked over to Gavi and he once again brushed me off. He was just sitting there with a frown on his face. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked him. "I just don't like those boys' ' is all he responded with. It kind of made me mad. I had told them that I wasn't interested and I don't know why they cared so much. I just wanted other friends and they wouldn't let me have them.

Gavi's POV

I felt bad for having a frown on my face, but I really didn't like those boys. I know Sav had told me that she wasn't interested in them, but I still had it in the back of my mind that they would take her from me. I was so scared that they would take her pretty eyes and soft hair away from me forever and at this point those were as essential as breathing in my life. "I am sorry" I said leaning my head on her shoulder "I just don't want you to get hurt." She laid her head on mine. It was comforting. "I know you re looking out for me, but I need to have other friends" she said back to me. "I know and I will support whatever you want" I told her because i really did support it. I mean I didn't like them, but if they made her happy. Who was I to stop her. "Good" she said standing up and pulling me up with her. She moved my mouth up so I was smiling and we proceeded to celebrate with the team.

It had been a long day and so when we got home we all went off to do our own thing. Tonight I wanted to give Sav some space. I don't know why. I just thought she would need some, but laying in my bed by myself. I missed her. All I wanted was to be with her. I just laid there awake before deciding to go to her room. 

When I walked in she was sitting in the dark, on her bed, and watching something on Netflix. "Hi?" She said, rubbing her eyes and sitting up. "I tried to give you space, but I just want to lay with you. '' I said to her, walking closer to the bed. She smiled a really soft and welcoming smile which melted my heart. She then shifted and made space to lay down. 

I swear her bed was way more comfortable than mine. It was a king bed with white, silk sheets on it and everything was topped off with a muted pink comforter. I got in and it smelled like her. She had moved further away from me, but I pulled her back to my chest letting her lay. I rubbed the side of her face while she fought sleep.

After about an hour of a show that I later found out was "Gilmore Girls" she fell asleep. These were the moments I lived for. The times when she was asleep and I got her all to myself. Nobody is trying to break us apart. Just me and her, how it should be. Even though I loved it I was still exhausted and fell asleep not too long after her.

Pedro's Pov

I was sitting on the couch. It was only 9:00 pm so I didn't expect them to be asleep. I was bored and went looking for them. I knocked on Sav's door and got no response so I decided to walk in. I made my way through the room until I could see the bed. I was met with Sav asleep in Gavi's arms. I had to smile at Gavi. The way he held her I just knew that he was never going to let go. I just knew this was the "one". I chuckled a little bit and snapped a photo. It felt like a moment that Gavi would want to remember.

After I took the photo I looked at it and chuckled before walking out the room to let them sleep in peace

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After I took the photo I looked at it and chuckled before walking out the room to let them sleep in peace. God he was so in love. I just hoped she wouldn't hurt him. 

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