The Text

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I woke up to knocking on my front door. I groan and look at the clock on my nightstand to see 5:45 on the display. "Who is knocking on my door?" I say as I get up. I open it and I am met with Gavi's smile. It fades when he sees I am not as happy. "What are you doing here?" I have an annoyed tone lacing my voice, but I change that. I want him to feel welcome here no matter what. He walks past me into my apartment and this is the first time I notice him holding something. "Well, training starts early today and I wanted to stop by before I head over." He was looking at the floor but raised his head to make eye contact with me. I am still confused, so he hands me the gift bag. I smile"what is this?" I ask him, letting out a giggle. He doesn't say anything and lets me open it. When I do I am met with the coolest Barca themed Nike sweatshirt ever. It had a photo of him on the front. I scream! And jump into his arms before I have a chance to realize what exactly I just did. After a moment I step back and am still smiling. I go to open my mouth and thank him, but he starts talking first. "That isn't even the best part..." he says and opens the coat he is wearing. I am in shock when I see him wearing the same sweatshirt. I am so excited I put it on and we take a .5. I am going to cherish that forever. Once the excitement wears off I realize how tired I am and yawn. Gavi takes notice and tells me to go lay down. "Don't you have training?" I was confused. "Yeah, but I have a couple of hours. I really just wanted to come give this to you. I could sleep last night. I was so excited." He says in a big smile. I yawn once again and hug him before walking off to my bedroom.


Before my eyes even open, my sense of touch wakes up. I feel my shirt slightly lifted and someone rubbing my back. By the level of comfort I can tell I am still laying in bed. I flutter my eyes open to see the clock this time says 6:45. "Perfect timing" I think and move a little bit. I didn't want to wake up because the back rubbing was so soothing. Against my better judgment I roll over and see gavi with his eyes closed and his head leaning back against my plush backboard. Right when I roll over he jolts up as alert as ever. Our eyes meet and he softens. "Have you just been sitting there?" I ask him not to be able to contain my chuckle. "I told you I didn't sleep last night out of excitement." He says still looking at the ceiling.''I wasn't even asleep. My eyes were resting." I smile and get out of bed. I walked to my closet and put on a Nike sports bra and some high waisted Lululemon leggings. I then throw the sweatshirt over it. I have never been a makeup person because I always curled my lashes and put on pink vaseline.

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(it won't let me insert a photo of the Gavi sweatshirt due to copyright

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(it won't let me insert a photo of the Gavi sweatshirt due to copyright. If you want to go to redbubble and search Gavi. there you can pick your favorite one for the story)

Once I am done with that I unplug my phone and see a text. I gasp and Gavi looks at me. I am standing there frozen, my eyes start to glaze over as I read it. "Savannah, you need to come home. I miss our weekly Netflix sessions." I feel a tear leave my eye. It was my Best friend ever. Even closer than Makenzie. His name was Josh and I had known him since pre-k. He was the one I sent the text to right before we took off. He was known for never responding, but I thought it was because he was mad at me. Gavi is now standing at the door ready to leave, but I can't take my eyes off the text. He starts to walk back over to me because he can see I am crying, but I hold up my hand signaling him to stop. "I wish I could. Call me when you have a chance. We have a lot to talk about." I send the text, wipe the tear and walk out the door without looking at Gavi.

We get to the car and he sits there in silence. Then after a while he asks me what happened. Even though he was driving it felt like I had his full attention. I look at it and can feel the tears come back."One of my best friends from my hometown, Josh, texted me this morning telling me how much he misses me. I am just sad because he reminds me of happier times and I can't handle it right now". He looked sad, but I continued on, "Josh is one of his friends who you are so close with, he is like a brother." I look at Gavi trying to assess the situation. He is clenching his jaw, just barely, but enough that I can see it. "Omg is he jealous!" I think to myself. When I snap out of it I continue on. "He is one of those people who I could never have a crush on. He felt like one of my girlfriends. He was a support not a crush." Look and see Gavi's jaw soften. Just in time I look forward to seeing us entering the training area. Once we are parked Gavi turns to me and hugs me. "Don't worry. All of the bad things that happened are behind you." he pulls away and smiles. We both get out of the car and walk into the facility. Silently, but comfortably.

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