Meeting the Parents

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I woke up and immediately I had a nervous feeling in my stomach. Today was the day that I was going to meet Gavi's family. I was so confused why I was nervous. I mean we weren't even dating. I took a couple of deep breaths and walked out to the living room to grab some food. I couldn't find either of them so I peeked my head into Pedro's room to see him asleep on the bed. I was confused because I couldn't find Gavi anywhere. I walked further into the room and noticed through the crack on the bathroom door that he waist there. He was fully dressed and was brushing his hair. I pushed the door open to meet his eyes. "Good morning" I say more chipper than normal. "Sorry for falling asleep in your bed I was more planning on sleeping on the couch, but I was so tired." He looks at me with a slight smile on his face. "What's mine is yours" he says then grabs my hand and we quietly walk out into the kitchen. We ate breakfast and as he was cleaning up our dishes In realized what time it was. "Oh no" I said standing up. "I have to get ready for lunch". With that I walked into his room to find my bag.

I put on the outfit I had packed. It was a little yellow top and yellow skirt. I had light makeup on and my favorite air forces. I thought the outfit was good. I then grabbed my hair and threw it up into a claw clip. I liked how I looked, I felt pretty, actually no I felt unstoppable.

The outfit:

The outfit:

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(Outfit is from Pinterest, but I found similar pieces on Hollister's website)

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(Outfit is from Pinterest, but I found similar pieces on Hollister's website)

I heard some talking out in the kitchen. I assumed it was Pedri awake. Before I walked out, I packed my bag and put on the necklace Gavi had given me. I opened the door to see The two of them leaning against wall bored. "Finally I thought you would never be ready" Pedri says rolling his eyes. "Shut up I want to feel good" I say shooting him a fake smile.


We pull up to the biggest and coolest house I have ever seen. My jaw dropped open. "Gavi is this your house?" I say hopping out of the car to take it all in. "Yes it is. Born and raised here" he said with no emotion as if he was used to people being this surprised.

 Born and raised here" he said with no emotion as if he was used to people being this surprised

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