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A/n: Sorry I couldn't get a chapter up last night. I fell a little behind on school, and needed to catch up.

Trigger warning: talk of Self harm and suicide. I love you guys too much, so please do not read this as it might be harmful to you.

It was kind of late at night and we had just gotten home from training. Gavi and I were laying on the couch. I was fighting sleep as we both watched 'Gilmore Girls'. I had closed my eyes for the final time deciding that I was going to give in and go to sleep. I was on the edge of my dreams when we heard a ruckus upstairs. Followed by Pedri screaming. We both stood up alert ready to run up and see what was wrong, but he had come downstairs before we could.

"Did you guys read the texts" Pedri says frantically. We looked at him confused, signaling to him that we had in fact not read them. "Memphis is leaving" He said back to us wide-eyed. "What?!" Gavi and I both yelled at him in sync. "He was sold to Atletico Madrid" Pedri choked out.

Memphis was never my best friend, but he was still really important to me. He made me feel safe and was like a brother, so finding out he was leaving came as a big shock to all of us. I turned around and flopped down onto the couch trying to take in the news I just got. Pedri and Gavi were not far behind me. We just sat there in silence not knowing what to say or if we should say anything at all.

I didn't think I would be so hurt by this, but while sitting there in the silence I started to cry. I don't think it wasn't just Memphis leaving, but that is what broke my back. I let the tears run down my face. I could taste the salt in my mouth and all over my lips.

I thought I would never stop, but I felt Gavi pull me close to him. He rubbed my back as held me and while I cired. This made me feel better, but it didn't stop the tears. I could feel that Gavi and Pedri were crying, but they were doing it silently so as to not set me off.


The three of us had gone over to Mempis' house to help him pack all his belongings up. It took us a good 5 hours and when we were done, we were pooped. Mickey and Sira thought it would be fun to throw a goodbye party before he left tomorrow morning. I liked the idea of a party, but I didn't want him to leave.

We got home and I went straight to my room to get ready. I cleaned up and put on some light makeup. I brushed out my hair. And took a couple deep breaths trying not to cry. It just hurt so much. I walked to my closet and put on a small black dress, black tights, and chunky black heels.

(outfit is from pinterest)

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(outfit is from pinterest)

I wanted to look good, but I knew that I was going to get trashed tonight. I hated that I had to drown out my problems, but I just needed an escape tonight. I grabbed my purse and was on my way out of my room when a bad feeling washed over me. I couldn't hold back the tears this time. I just let them come. I sat down on my bed and leaned over so my elbows were on my knees and my face was in my hands.

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