Valentine's Day

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When we got back we partied hard and this time with drinking. I swear everyone had consumed so much achohol recently I was surprised nobody had gone to hospital yet. It was fun, but after a while it got old and Xavi told us we had to return to training. Everyone got back at it and life finally evened out. It was just games and training. I hadn't really been keeping track of the days because I had nothing to look forward to.

I was sitting at my computer typing and email to Adidas about a promotion they wanted to do with us. I was so zoned out I didn't even hear Gavi knock on the door. I look up to see him holding a giant bouquet of the brightest red roses I had ever seen. "What is this for?" I asked getting up and walking over to him. "What do you mean today is Valentines day" he said looking back at me confused. Omg I had I forgotten Valentines Day? I laughed awkwardly as he handed me the roses. "I got to get back, but be ready to leave at 1:00 pm because we need to get home and get ready for something I have planned" he said to me then he kissed me and walked out.

I went around Camp Nou trying to find something to put the roses in. I walked into a room I never been in before and saw a giant bucket. I filled it up with water and stuck them in. I laughed at how ghetto the bucket looked compared to the roses. I was walking back to my office when I bumped into someone. It was a woman who looked to be mid 20s. "Do you know where I could find Gavi?" She asked me. "May I ask why" I said back to her realizing she had no idea who i was. "I am his biggest fan and I hated to give him these" she said opening a box. I peeked in to see what looked like donuts. "Right this way" I said leading her to the door of the field.She walked out there and I giggled thinking about how Gavi actually had crazy fan girls.


"That was weird" Gavi said sitting down in the car. "What" I asked him innocently. "Some lady came and gave me these on the field today. Then she tried to kiss me and security had to take her away" he said while pulling out the donuts. "Weird" I said. I should have gotten an Oscar for how convincing I was.

"What are you two doing for V Day?" Pedri asked changing the subject. "I don't know Gavi won't tell" I said leaning up and hitting his arm. "Its a surprise" he said back to me. i hated surprises especially when I was this excited. We pulled up the house and all got out. "Wear something nice" Gavi said before walking up stairs and to his room.

I walked into my room and bee lined for the shower. I cleaned up and did my hair. I did VERY light make up. After I was done I walked out and to my closet. At this point I had worn everything before. I was trying to decide what to wear when I remember something. I walked downstairs to the basement where I had a small closet the held some of the items from my childhood. I opened the door to it and pulled out a white box that had a huge black bow on it. I turned and walked back up to my room.

I always knew it was there, but hadn't opened it. When I did it was just as I remembered it. It was sa simple white dress that had hung in my mom's closet my whole life. I would always take it out and play dress up with it. I didn't know why I loved it so much because it wasn't anything crazy, but my mom would always take it back and tell me I could have it when I was a 'big girl'. Well, I was a big girl now and I thought it would be perfect for the occasion. I put it on and threw on some black shoes and grabbed a black bag.

 I put it on and threw on some black shoes and grabbed a black bag

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(Outfit is from Pinterest)

I put it on and smoothed everything out. I felt a tear run down my face as I looked at how much I had grown since was the little girl playing dress up. I wiped it away quick and walked out the door to find Gavi.

Gavi's POV

I was sitting on the couch waiting for Sav. i was trying to picture in my head what she would wear. I had high expectations, but when I saw her she looked so much better than I could ever imagine. I know we had been together for a while, but she never failed to take my breath away. I stood up and walked over to her. "You ready?" I asked sticking my hand out leading her out the door.

To be honest I didn't even want to do the dinner idea I had anymore. I just wanted to go on a long drive with her and listen to whatever she wants to talk about. I want to just bask in her beauty, but I knew that would be a cop out. So I went anyways. I had planned this dinner the day we got back from the USA after we got together. It was a 5 star restaurant that over looked the ocean.

We pulled up and valleted the car. We walked in the waitress led us to the rooftop that I had rented out for the night. It was magical seeing Sav's face when she realized what was happening. Once she left us we both just sat there for a second. I cleared my throat which made her look at me. "I wanted to wait until after we ewer done eating to give you this, but I can't wait any longer" I said to her not able to contain my smile. She looked confused, but when I pulled it out I thought she was going to jump on me. "Omg how did you do that" she asked grabbing it out of my hand.

This was probably the best gift I had ever given. It was a painting where Sav was in the middle and on the right of her was the Chicago skyline and her family and hometown friends. Along with that on the left side it was the Barca skyline with the team and the Barca logo. She just looked at it. She had the biggest smile on her face, but I could tell she was still processing. "Thank you so much. It is crazy to see my two lives together as one" she said putting it down and pulling something out of her purse.

It was a small box. She handed it to em and I opened it. It was a locket. I opened it and looked at it confused for a second before she spoke up. "Your mom gave me both of this pieces of fabric. One of them is from your first soccer jersey ever and the other one is from your first 'First team' game ever" she explained to me. "Thank you so much" I said actually taken back at how much thought she put into it. I immeadetly put it on.

Right after our exchange the food came out and we ate quickly. Not because we had to era anywhere, but because they both of us had barely ate. "That was good" Sav finally says after finishing her last bites. It was kind of late now and she yawned really big. "Ready to go?" I asked standing up. I had already paid for everything so we were free to leave whenever we liked.

We got the car and started to drive. We talked as we drove through the hills of Barca. It was really the best feeling to be with her and her only. Nobody trying to take photos or ask for autographs instead it was just the two of us laughing our hearts out. We did that for hours and by the time we got home it was midnight. "That was so much fun" she said getting out of the car and waiting for me. "We should do that more than just V day" she Sid which made me smile. "Anything for you" I said and we walked into the house. It really had been a great night. 


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