Noah and the Creep

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I woke up. It took me a second to remember where I was, but when I did I smiled at the realization. I was laying next to him facing the aisle. I was slowly opening my eyes when I realized Noah was looking at us. I try to play it cool and sit up hoping he would look away. I got up and went back to my seat. Not before turning around and tucking, the now asleep Pedri, in. I turned and walked back to my seat and plopped down. Now that I had gotten to sleep I was in a much better mood. I actually started talking to Noah myself. He was SUPER sweet. We talked for hours about Chicago and American football. That was important, I don't know why but I missed it so much. No one in Spain cared about any other sport besides soccer so having someone to geek out with was nice. We talked for so long that a meal came through. I didn't even realize Gavi had woken up until I leaned forward to laugh and saw his death staring at us. I don't care. I was having fun. We talked until the announcement came that we had landed in Barca.

Right before I stood up, Noah pulled a Chicago bears sweatshirt out of his backpack and handed it to me. "It is brand new. I just bought it yesterday" he said handing it to me "I hope you like it and remember home". That melted my heart. I thanked him. Then I got off the plane. I walked up the hallway and was met with the Barca airport. I missed it, but also I didn't. I saw Gavi and Pedri standing waiting for me. "You and your boyfriend have a good flight?" Pedri asked, pointing to Noah who was walking out of the gate. I didn't even realize I was blushing. They started to walk away, but I yelled for them to stop. I set my bags down and put on the sweatshirt then looked across the terminal at Noah and saw him looking back at me with a smile. We were making eye contact when Gavi came up behind me and pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back, but was confused. Gavi backed up, but didn't look at me. Instead he looked at Noah. I was mad. He was jealous over nothing. Yes I thought Noah was cute, but I would pick Gavi any day. I huffed and walked past Gavi slightly brushing his shoulder.

We got into the car and Pedri started driving. "Well that was fun trip. Thanks Sav for showing us around" Pedri smiles at me. I was still mad about what Gavi did in the airport, but I don't want to take it out on Pedri. After all he did nothing wrong. "Your welcome. It was fun to show you around". I said not making eye contact with Gavi who was looking at me through the rear view mirror. Instead I stuck my hands into the pocket of the sweatshirt and I felt something. I pulled it out and it was a piece of paper with Noah's snapchat on it. I couldn't help, but smile. I will give it to him, he was smooth. I was in my own little daze, I didn't even notice Gavi now turned around looking at me. "What is that?" He asks sounding disgusted. "I think Noah must have slipped his snapchat into the pocket when he gave me the sweatshirt" I said. Even though there was tension I was laughing. "He is smooth" Pedri said breaking into a smile. Then it went silent.

We pulled up to my apartment and Gavi jumped out to help me with my bags. He was mad, but still he was a gentleman. He carried them up to my apartment and set them in the bedroom. I was standing in the kitchen looking through the cabinets for something to eat when he walked into the room. He stood there for a second before taking a deep breath. It seemed as if he was trying to get my attention so I looked over at him. "Sav-" he says, but then pausing like he was thinking what to say "I am sorry for what I did. I was jealous. It just seemed like he was trying to take you from me and that is my worst fear". Suddenly I felt like a bad person for being mad at him. "It's ok. The reason I enjoyed myself so much is because he likes things like American football and golf. These are both things you have no interest in so I haven't had anyone to talk to about it. It was just nice to get it out" I was talking and walking over to Gavi. "Soooooooo" I say, reaching him and pulling him into a hug "why would you be jealous if you didn't like me". I could feel his blush from where my head was on his chest. "I hate you" he says before walking out the door. "And I love you" I yelled back sarcastically before the door  closed behind him.

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