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"Savannah wake up" I rolled over and opened my eyes to see a lady who liked Makenzie, but 10 years older. I sat up and looked up at the women sitting on my bed. She looked really happy and when I sat up looking at her weird, she smiled. "Are you ready for your wedding?!" She said to me, My wedding? What is happening? "Yes!" I smiled a forced smile at her. I stood up and noticed I was in a hotel. I walked into  the bathroom and brushed my teeth. While I was brushing she walked in with a robe. "Put this on so we can go to the church" she said, setting it on the counter and walking out. I was looking at myself in the mirror. I looked back and I was older than when I fell asleep last night. And when did I get to a hotel? When did I have a wedding? I put the robe on and walked out.

We pulled up to a beautiful church and I saw Aurora standing outside. When I got out she came up and hugged me "thanks so much for making me your maid of honor....sister" she said still hugging me. "Thanks?" I said, but I was still confused. We got ready and I had a great time with the two girls. After about an hour a lady came in holding a garment bag. I looked at it in shock. Is this real? Am I really standing at my wedding? I walked over and opened it. My breath was taken away by the prettiest dress I had ever seen, it reminded me of Princess Kate's wedding dress. I pulled it out and put it on. It was a group effort to get me in it, but when Makenzie zipped it up I turned and started to cry. The lady who brought the dress pulled out a veil. It was fluffy and had a crown attached to it. She set it on my head and I really felt like a princess now.

"Okay it is time, '' Makenzie said, leading me out of the door. I was walking to the door when I suddenly was hit with sadness. "Wait, who is going to walk me down the aisle? '' I asked, turning to Aurora with my eyes wide open. "Xavi, you know this' ' she reached her arm and touched me "it is going to be ok". I took a deep breath and I heard music start to ring out from the church hall. The doors opened and everyone stood up to look at me. The bridesmaids walked down the aisle and then Xavi put his arm out for me and led me down the aisle. I was walking down starting to accept that this was real life, but something in me told me it wasn't. When I reached the altar I turned to face Gavi and even though he was older he was still handsome. Throughout the ceremony I couldn't shake the feeling of it not being real. "You may kiss the bride" the priest said and Gavi pulled me into a kiss. It was magical, but mid kiss everything went black.


I opened my eyes and I was in my bed again with Gavi next to me. "Whew must have been a dream" I said under my breath. "Sav-" I heard Gavi start "you need to get Olivia ready". "What" I said turning to him. "Olivia has school early this morning," he said with his face in the pillow. "Who is Olivia?" I asked, thinking he was playing a joke on me. "Your daughter.... Are you feeling ok" he said sitting up. My daughter? What is happening today? A couple moments later a little girl who was the spitting image of Gavi ran in and jumped on our bed causing us all to laugh.

We got up and got ready and I brought her downstairs and fed her breakfast. I couldn't stop looking at how pretty she was. She had his face, but my icy blue eyes. I loved her and I didn't even know her. I was standing there looking at her when I heard a knock on the door. I walked over and opened it and I met a guy in a ski mask. Right when I opened the door he slapped me and I fell back making my whole world go black.


I shot my eyes open and sat up. I broke free of Gavi's arms. I looked over at him to see he looked just how I remembered. I stood up and went to the bathroom to look at myself. When I looked at myself in the mirror I looked 18 like I did when I went to bed last night. I was looking at myself when I saw Gavi standing in the doorway with a tired expression on my face. "What is today's date?" I asked him, sounding mortified. "Ummmm.... I don't know, I think September 23" he said looking at me confused. "Are you okay? '' he said, taking a step closer to me. "Yeah I just had some vivid dreams last night" I grabbed my head trying to shield my eyes from the light. " about your family?" He asked me while I was standing there. "No it was about our wedding and our kids' ' I looked at him when I said it. "Was it bad?" He asked meekly. "No, I was just confused. '' I said, brushing past him and laying back down in bed. He got in next to me and whispered "one day we will have the wedding of your dreams' '. This caused me to fall back asleep with a smile on my face.

Gavi's POV

Sav had just fallen asleep and I couldn't get what she said off my mind. I was thinking that she was dreaming about our wedding and our kids. I want my dream life to start with her today, but I can't ask her to marry me now we are only 18, but I know that she is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I was just laying there rubbing her head making sure she is safe and comfortable. My happy thoughts quickly turned dark and scary. I closed my eyes, but images of people doing bad things to her flashed in my head. Images of the ex boyfriend we met in Chicago hurting her sacred me. I loved her so much, but my happiness depends on her and I didn't want to hurt her. I was scared that if I depended on her too much she would start to feel like I was a burden. I pulled her closer to me and tried to shake the bad feelings off. I didn't want to move, I just wanted to lay next to her.

"Owww '' I heard a quiet voice say, waking me up. "Gavi.....You're......hurting.....me" this time Sav was speaking a little louder. I opened my eyes and let her go. He took a deep breath and turned to face me. "I am so sorry" I said sitting up. "It's ok you were just hugging me really tight" she said, pulling me back down to a lying position. "Are you okay?" She said putting my head in her arms. "Yes. I just am scared that people are going to hurt you" I didn't know if I should tell her, but I did anyway. She chuckled a little bit and held me "no one can hurt me with you next to me" she said. I hated that she had to take care of me. I didn't want her to be sad because of me. With all being said I still fell asleep in her arms.

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