Movie Day

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A/N: I am sorry these chapters have been so boring recently. I swear I have a plan and it will get more exciting sooner.

I woke up and immediately I felt dirty again. I just couldn't shake the feeling. Gavi had such a tight grip on me that when I looked down, my stomach was red. I just wanted to disappear. I just laid there and listened to Gavi breathe. It was peaceful and I tried to sync my breathing to his. After a while I decided to get up. I squirmed around, but Gavi wasn't going to let go. "Gavi '' I said, trying to break out of his grasp. "I need you to let go." "Not going to happen '' he said in his morning voice that made my stomach fill with butterflies. "I want to get up, '' I whispered back to him. He sat, making sure not to let go of me. "Then I will get up with you" he said, pulling me over to his side of the bed. We both got out and I walked to the bathroom to brush our teeth.

I did some light makeup and slicked my hair back. Gavi was waiting for me to finish and I walked to my closet and pulled out a brown two piece outfit.

(Outfit is from Pinterest)

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(Outfit is from Pinterest)

My body felt heavier than before. It felt unreal what had happened yesterday. I closed my eyes to take a deep breath, but I lost my balance falling back and hitting the floor hard. Gavi ran to my side and helped me sit up. "Are you okay?" He asked squatting down next to me. I didn't respond, instead I pulled him down and laughed as I crawled on top of him. "I bet I could win in a tickling match" I said sitting on top of him. "There is no way" he smirked back at me and grabbed me. He started tickling and I couldn't breathe, but quickly got it together and overpowered him. This was such a weird thing to be happening, but it made both of us laugh.

After a couple of minutes I rolled over still laughing and trying to catch my breath. He stuck his arm out and pulled me into a hug. We were still laying on the floor. It added to the aesthetic. "That was fun" I mumbled into his arms. "Yeah we should do that every morning to wake up" he said trying to contain the smile creeping across his face. I kissed him then stood up.

We walked downstairs and heard talking in the living room. We looked at each other confused and walked in to see who it was. "Hey!!!!" Ferran Yells at us when we walk in. I looked around to see the whole clan was there. "What was all that banging going on upstairs?" Ansu asked, lifting an eyebrow at us. "Eww Ansu. No. We were just having a tickle fight" I said, hitting him.

I know Gavi and I had been dating for a good 5/6 months, but that was never really on my mind. When I was younger I dreamed of a Prince Charming who would take me on adventures, not a guy who would use me for my body. I guess I hadn't really thought about it with Gavi. I guess it was because I knew I didn't want it to happen. I just wasn't ready. I didnt want people to get the wrong impression about why we were dating either.

"Okay" Ansu said back but leaving his eyebrow lifted. "What are you guys doing here?' Gavi asked them. "We wanted to have a movie day," Garcia said, gesturing to the mountain of snacks on the table and blankets on the couch. "Yay" I yelled and ran to jump into the pile.

We all sat down and passed out blankets and pillows. "What do you guys want to watch?" I asked, picking up the remote. "MEAN GIRLS" they all yelled. About 3 months ago I showed them 'Mean Girls' for the first time and ever since then they haven't stopped talking about it. I swear we had watched it 16 times since then. Great movie, but that is just too much. I reluctantly clicked on it. The movie started and I leaned back into Gavi's arms. I laid there next to him as we watched.

It had been about 5 hours and two movies later, when I stood up to stretch. It was about 2:00 pm. "We should probably get some lunch," I said to them. "What do you want?" Balde asked, sitting up and moving the blankets off of him. We all decided on a place and called in a carry out order. Balde and Pedri went to pick it up. The other boys had gotten and were moving around.

I had a weird feeling in my stomach. Not that I am going to be kidnapped, but I really want some fresh air. "I am going for a run," I said to the boys who were in the kitchen standing around. "Not by yourself," Gavi said, standing up. "I am coming with you." He walked over and started to put his shoes on. I was already in a running outfit, so I just grabbed my air pods and we were on our way.

It was a rough start to the run, but it slowly got easier. The one thing I missed about being an athlete was the feeling when you were pushing 100% yet it still felt effortless. I had my music playing and I was in my zone. I only thought one step ahead and made my way flying down the street. 

I guess I didn't really notice how fast I was going until I looked back to see Gavi trailing behind me. I stopped to catch my breath and he ran up to me. "God could you go any faster" he said holding his side. "You're more in shape than me and you still can't beat me at a run" I laughed at him. "We have just run 5 miles without stopping. I don't do that" he said squatting down. Holy crap. That was the fastest five miles of my life.

"Maybe we should walk home" I said, sticking out my hand and pulling him up. We were only about a 1/2 mile from home. He grunted in pain as I pulled him up. We began to walk. "That was nice of the boys to come over. '' I said to Gavi and grabbed his hand so that we could intertwine our fingers. "Yeah i didn't know they were going to do that either '' he said, softening his grip as we walked. Even though it was winter, it was still a super nice day. I liked feeling the breeze on my sweaty skin.

We walked into the door to see all the guys eating around the table. "Where is mine?" I asked them to walk over. They pointed to a box sitting at an empty seat. I dropped down into it to start eating. Gavi sat down next to me and did the same. We were mid meal when I felt him grab my leg. I didn't flinch, but my breath definitely hitched. "How was it?" Ansu asked me. "Good" I said not really in the conversation at all. I was in a daze. I was thinking about how much I wanted to fall asleep.

This day had been super fun, being with the guys and all, but also draining because I had to relive the kidnapping. I swear I could still feel his sweaty hand on my mouth. I guess the look on my face was noticeable because Pablo Toree asked me if I was okay. I put on a weak smile. "I am going to shower and we can continue our movie day" I said, scooting my chair back to stand up.

I did as I told them. I walked up stairs and hopped in the shower. Even though the door was closed and locked, I was still scared that Mario was going to burst through and take me. I got goosebumps every time I thought of him or the feeling I got when I woke up in his car. I pressed back up against the wall of the shower and scooted down until I was sitting. I then put my face on my knees and cried. I cried for what felt like hours and decided it was time to get out when I felt the warm water run out. I got out and dried off. I threw on a light blue sweat set and walked back downstairs to find the boys laying on the couches in the dark again.

Before I walked back in, I changed my route and walked outside. I didn't know why, but I loved the feeling of the breeze on me earlier and longed for it again. I walked outside and let the wind hit me, making me shiver. I stood there letting my whole body go cold. I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out. I saw a text from my coach as a response to what I had sent him yesterday. It was a photo of him and his dog and they were both sticking their thumbs up. I chuckled and sent a laugh crying emoji back before walking back inside and to the living room.

I walked over to Gavi and flopped down. "Can you braid my hair again? '' I whispered in his ear. We both sat up and he started to part my hair. His braids were always so perfect and I wanted some. When he was done he pulled me back in a laying down position with him. As I mentioned I was super tired from today and I could feel my eyelids getting heavy. Even though it was only 5:00 pm I still fell asleep. At least it was in a room of people who I knew would protect me at all costs. 

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