Head Trauma

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A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short, but I should be getting another one up soon. It just felt like a natural ending point. Hope you guys enjoy it!

The refreshing sounds of the crowd cheering filled my ears. I was standing on the sidelines of the game. Gavi had gotten the ball and was on his way down the field when he passed it. It hit off of the opponent's knee and went back to hit his head. He fell down slowly holding it as the team ran over to see if he was ok.

I was standing there trying not to freak out because players got hurt and were really okay all the time. After a while the trainers signaled for an ambulance. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I was allowed to run out there to him or not.

After a while of just standing there I saw Gavi say something to Lewy and he ran over to the sidelines and whispered something in Xavi's ear. Xavi looked around for a second before his eyes landed on me. He signaled me to them and I sped over there. Once I reached them he spoke, "Gavi wants you. Lewy will take you over and you will get in the ambulance with him. Don't look at any other players. Just keep your eyes locked on Gavi" he was very serious and i didnt want to find out what would happen if i didn't listen.

I felt Lewy's Hand on my back as we walked over to the group. Once we reached them, they had just gotten Gavi onto the stretcher. I heard some of the Betis players whistle at me, but I did what Xavi said and kept my eyes locked on Gavi. He grabbed my hand once I had gotten close enough and we got into the ambulance. I looked out the back window to see that Pedir was standing there staring at it. I wish I could jump out and hug him too.

They took us to the door where he was transferred to a real ambulance that took us to the hospital. We got out and one of the EMTs took me to the waiting room. This is where I sat for the next 3 hours. Just staring at the wall. I couldn't move or breathe for that matter. I felt tense as I waited for anyone to come talk to me.

I waited a little bit longer until a nurse came out and smiled at me. I stood up and rushed over to her. "He has a pretty bad concussion, but he was asking for you." she said, patting my back. "He will just need some rest, but he should be fine." Those words made me finally relax just a little bit, but I wouldn't believe it until he was better.

We made it to his room and when I first saw him I couldn't handle it. Seeing him all dead looking slumped over in the hospital bed. When he first saw me he smiled, but saw I was crying. He opened his arms and signaled me over, but my legs wouldn't move. Instead I walked out of the room feeling the tears welling up in my eyes.

Gavi's Pov

The last thing I remember was the ball hitting the side of my head. The next thing I know I am in the hospital. The nurses came running to me and I asked them where Sav was. They went and got her. All I wanted was her to be with me, laying with me, in my arms.

I heard footsteps approaching and then Sav's beautiful face that was sparkling with tears. She saw me and all the color drained from her face. I motioned her over to my bed, but she instead walked out of the room.

I blinked a couple of times wondering why she ran away. After a few minutes though, she came back. She came in and sat down next to me. She grabbed my hand while she sat down. The nurse was explaining to her what happened and everytime she would mention another detail, Sav's grip on me would tighten.

After the nurse left she turned and looked at me before crying again. "Sorry I feel so dumb, but it is hard seeing you in the hospital like my dead family was." She sadly laughed a little bit. I looked at her and grabbed her hand while pulling her back so she was laying in the bed with me. Her breath studied out, but I could tell she was still holding air in. I laid in the bed with her and she fell asleep surprisingly fast. I guess she had a long.

Around 8 pm Pedri showed up making sure I was ok. He woke Sav up because she had to leave. Visiting hours were from 8-8 and I couldn't stand the idea of her sleeping alone tonight. She kissed me goodnight. "I will be back at 8:00 am sharp tomorrow" she said, turning around and walking out of the room with Pedri.

Once they left I just laid there in darkness. The second Sav left my head and started to pound again and all I wanted was her. I didn't care about visiting hours. I just wanted her here with me.

Savannah's Pov

When Pedri and I walked into the house, I saw the whole team sitting around the living room silently. I walked in and they all turned to me. "He has a concussion and needs to stay overnight for observance" I said weakly, earning some concerned looks from the boys. I sighed and walked upstairs.

I took my game day outfit that I was still in, off and hopped in the shower. When I got out I slowly got changed and fell into my bed. I just laid there in the darkness and silence trying to fight all the bad feelings away.

I was just laying there when I heard someone knock on my door. I meant to say they could come in, but my mouth couldn't open. Nevertheless a few moments later my door opened and I heard multiple sets of feet walk in. I looked over to see Garcia, Balde, and Torree all standing in front of my bed. I looked at their expressions less. "Some of the guys are staying over and we need a place to sleep." Balde said to me.

I didn't say anything in response. Instead I just shifted my body over so the guys could lay down in my bed. It was nice having someone with me all night. Just like Pedri these guys were my brothers and it was normal for us to lay close to each other. We knew nothing would happen that would jeopardize my relationship with Gavi.

They got in and I had Balde on my left and Torree on my right. They both hugged me as we fell asleep. It wasn't anything like how safe Gavi made me feel, but it was better than laying by myself in the dark. I guess I had always been so caught up with Gavi that I sometimes forgot how good my relationship with the other guys was.

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