The Other Pablo

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A/N: I don't know how I feel about a jealous Gavi. If you don't like it don't worry it won't be for long ;)

"It's 7:00 do we wake them?" I heard Pablo Toree say. "I know Sav wanted to go pick him up at 8:00 on the dot" Eric said. I still had my eyes closed and my brain was still turned off, so it never really registered in my brain when Eric started shaking me awake. It finally registered in my brain what they were doing when I heard Balde groan from the other side of the bed.

I sat up and yawned before turning to face all the boys. To the typical person having a concussion wouldn't be that big of a deal, but to me it was hard that he was in the hospital. Hospital, a weird word. It should mean a place where people go in sickness and come out better, but to me my family went in dead and never came out.

I had a sad look on my face and I saw Balde making his way over to me, but I turned around and walked into the bathroom. Before washing my face, trying to wash off the bad feeling I had in my stomach. I looked at my face in the mirror and started to cry again. I felt so dumb for this because he was ok and was even coming home today, but i still wouldn't shake the feeling.

When I opened my door I saw the boys sitting in a line at the end of my bed. I silently walked past them to Gavi's room. I went into his closet and found a brown Nike sweatsuit. I put it on before walking back downstairs to see most of the team standing there. When Pedri saw me he grabbed his keys and Pedri, Me, Balde, and Toree walked out to make our way to the hospital.

Gavi's POV

This was my first time standing up in basically 24 hours. The nurse helped me up and i went to change back into my clothes. I was collecting my other things when i felt someone hug me from behind. I could tell by the soft hands and the apple smell who it was. I turned around to see Sva had tears in her eyes. I pulled her into a hug without thinking. "I am sorry for crying, but i hate the hospital" she said crying and sarcastically chuckling. "Its ok. I am better and we can get out of here." i said back to her.

We stood there hugging for a little while and I have to tell you, it felt so desperate. I seriously thought she was never going to let go.

Pedri came a little later and told us the nurse gave us the ok to leave. We collected my belongings and walked out. I have to tell you my head hurt so bad, but I didn't want to scare the two of them, so I put on a fake smile and they honestly believed me.

When we got home Sav helped me to her bed. We both laid down and once again her arms gripped around me. Wwe laid there in the darkness letting the pounding in my head make the noise.


A week had passed and it was honestly pretty good all things considered. I got to spend the last seven days in bed with Sav. We had finally finished 'Gilmore Girls' and had moved on to a show called 'Grey's Anatomy'. It was fun spending time with her. She seemed better since being at the hospital and that made me feel better too. My head was pounding anymore and I was ready to get out of the house.

"We should go do something," I said to her as she laid next to me. "What do you want to do?" she asked back. "I think it is time that I learned how to golf," I responded. She sat up with a huge smile on her face. Before jumping out of bed and saying, "let's go."


We pulled up to the course she loved to play. We walked over to range and I was familiar with this part, but then she handed me a club and told me to swing. I stood over the ball and had no idea what I was doing. I had watched Sav swing so many times, so I tried to picture what she did and swung my hands.

It didn't go well. Not at all. The ball went maybe three yards. I heard her chuckle, but she did well at pretending I was good. "Hey, that wasn't bad for one of your first attempts." I could tell she was lying. "Try this." she said while taking the club and walking me through the swing.

We stayed there for another hour and I was proud of how I was hitting it. Nothing amazing, just it was in the air and not rolling on the ground. We heard a ruckus behind us and looked to see that the whole squad had pulled up.

Luckily the range was empty because with me, Balde, Ansu, Pedri, and Frenkie all trying to hit, it would have been embarrassing. I saw that Eric and Pablo were sitting with Sva and talking to her about something and to be honest I didn't like it.

I knew that Pablo wouldn't ever do anything to jeopardize our relationship, but multiple guys had come to tell me that he had developed a bit of a crush on Sav. again I trusted him, but at the same time I had already lost a girlfriend to a best friend and I couldn't have that happen with Sav.

We all had a great time hitting and "getting better". Even though I could tell anytime anyone swung, Sav cringed. "How did we do?" Balde asks plopping down next to her. "Ohhh just great. Tiger woods needs to watch out" she said sarcastically earning a punch on the arm from him. "We should go out tonight. Now that Gavi is better." Pedri said, changing the subject. Everyone agreed. "Nothing crazy just a dinner and maybe a movie night" He quickly said, clarifying that there would be no partying.

"Yeah that sounds like fun," Torre said, putting his arm around Sav's shoulder discreetly. Everyone noticed and gave me a look, but I pretended I didn't know what they were talking about. After that we decided on a place and stood up to leave. Pablo rode with Eric, but asked if he could come with us before dinner. Before I could say anything Pedir agreed and they made their way over to the car.

Sav packed up her things and was on her way when I stuck out my arm and grabbed her wrist. I quickly pulled her into a kiss. I hated that I was jealous, but I couldn't help it. It wasn't because I didn't trust her. I don't know what it was, I just couldn't shake the feeling.

On the ride home, Pablo and Sav were giggling like little kids. "What are you doing?" I asked , turning around, making them jump apart. "Playing footsies," Pablo whispered, making Sav giggle. It killed me, but I had to pretend I didn't care.

We got home and we all went to get ready for dinner. After a while it turned into the three of us sitting in the living room waiting for Sav. "where is she?" Pedri asked. Right as he said it we heard her door open and footsteps at the top of the stairs. I turned around to see she had on a tiny black dress.

(outfit is from pinterest)

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(outfit is from pinterest)

She looked really cute in it. I was never the type of guy to say things like 'that is too short' or 'you are asking for it' because at the end of the day, if she is happy and comfortable I didn't care. The three of us stood up. To be honest I felt so dumb when I was around her because I only wore sweatpants and hoodies and she was always dressed up.

Sav started to make her way down the stairs and I watched as Pablo watched her every step. I felt like he was more obvious about his feelings now more than he had ever been. I don't know what changed.

"You look good," he said before I could speak. "Thanks" she said with stupid smile on her face. He was going to hear about this. I went up to her and she kissed me. At that moment I knew that she would never do what Anita did to me.

We walked out the door to go to dinner, but this time I made sure to get in the back with her. 

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