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A/N: Sorry about the crazy posting schedule. My life has been hectic, but I should be back to posting regularly by later this week.

"Barca is so boring" I said to Gavi as we walked into the room. I flopped down on the bed and after the realization of what I just said hit, I smiled. If I would have told Sav 2 two years ago that she would think Barca is boring from living in it too long. She would scream.

"Well we have the week off, is there anywhere you want to go" Gavi said laying down next to me. I thought about it for a moment. "Rome." I said to him with no other explanation. He pulled out his laptop and after about 5 minutes of clicking he said"pack your bags. Our flight leaves tomorrow at 3:00pm." He closed it and kissed me on the cheek. "I will go tell Pedri" I said while jumping up and running to his room.


"First class boarding now" we heard over the intercom. All three of us stood up in unison. Gavi and Pedri insisted we fly first class. To be honest I didn't care either way. We walked to the gate and scanned our tickets before getting on the plane.

The flight went by super slow. I was so excited. I made sure both of the boys knew too. We were sitting in a row of three and they would jokingly close the dividers anytime I started talking. After a while I got tired of talking to myself and laid back to rest my eyes. I also wanted to sleep because I knew time would fly.

"Wake up" Pedri said, shaking Gavi and I awake. I was sleeping so lightly I didn't even have to wait for him to touch me. I was already standing up and alert. Gavi not so much. I had to drag him off the plane.

Once we got out of the gate we made our way to the rental car place. "Pedri Gonzalez" Pedri said to the guy. He nodded and went to get our car. I was expecting something practical, but as always the boys had to go all out. The worker pulls up in a Lambo. I know in Europe that isn't that crazy to have, but to me, an American, I was freaking out. I screamed and ran up to it. I threw my bag in the back and jumped into the passenger's seat ready to go.

Once the excitement of the car wore off I realized how tired I was. We were driving through the city at night, looking at all the sights. It was Pedri and I in the front and Gavi in the back. "Wow" is all I could say. I know Barca was a pretty city, but this was like nothing I had ever seen before. It radiated 'old money' and I loved the vibes. The more we drove, the more tired I got. I could start to feel myself fighting the internal battle of staying awake.

Luckily we pulled up to the hotel right then. It took me a moment before I could muster up enough energy to get out of the car. Gavi, on the other hand, ran over and opened the door for me. He helped me out as Pedri got our bags from the back. We grabbed our stuff and walked in. The two boys went to check in and sat on a couch next to our belongings. I was talking in the hotel. It was a beautiful five star mega hotel. It was mostly marble and gold. I felt like I was in a castle.

I was starting to drift off to sleep. This time I didn't care though. I just let the darkness of my sweet dreams take over me.

Gavi's POV

Pedri and I had just gotten our room keys and went over to Sav only to find her out cold. The both of us chuckled. "Typical Sav. Always falling asleep." Pedri said. I picked up Savannah and Pedri struggled with our things. 

Mine and Sav's room was 101 and Pedro's room was 102 which was perfect because that meant they were right across the hall. We made it to our door and I opened it with my free hand. I walked in and laid Sav down on the bed before going back out to grab our bags from Pedri.

"Sav. Come on. You have to change and clean up before bed" I whispered to her. She sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes. She didn't say anything to me. She just silently got up and walked over the bathroom.

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