A/n:Clearing Things Up

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Ok, after listening to your guys' input, I have decided to write a new story.  I will also be writing an epilogue to this story that will probably one or two parts, but other than that Savannah and Gavi's story is over! That makes me so sad to say because I have fallen in love with the two of them over the last 3 months. Thank you to my readers. I don't think I will ever be able to put into words how thankful I am for you guys. It is insane that people would even read a dumb story I cam up with in the shower over Christmas break!

On another note, as I mentioned I will be writing another story. It is going to be a Gavi story! I have a some things in the works and have actually started an outline for what it will look like! I am going to take a break from March 9-19 because that is my spring break and I need a small break from writing, but after that I should start up with the new story!

Look out for the last chapters of this story! They should be out before I go on my break!

Again, I love all of you.


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