Dinner. Date?

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I woke up this morning the same way that I have many times before. Gavi was asleep with his arms around me. Don't get me wrong I love him but I am tired of the mixed signals. What I mean is that he is all over me during the night. He tells me I am the best girl in the world and then I fall asleep in his arms, but the second I wake up we go back to being two friends and I hate being just friends. 

I got out of bed and threw on a two piece white and green set that I was gifted by Lauren my first week at barça.

The outfit:

(Outfit is from Pinterest)

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(Outfit is from Pinterest)

I was examining myself in the mirror when I heard the bed shift. I look in the reflection to see Gavi waking up and getting out of bed. He was wearing shorts and no shirt. His hair was messy and OMG I loved how he looked when he was not trying. Just him being himself and I ate it up. I wanted to be mad at him for the mixed signals, but I loved him too much. I was standing in the bathroom deep in thought when he pushed through the door and stopped when he saw me. He turns and he brushes his teeth while I stand there putting on mascara. We stood in silence. Once he was done he turns to me and smiles really big, like a little kid when you give them one of those huge lollipops. "Hello?" I say breaking a laugh too. " I got you something" he continued to giggle like a little kid. I just look at him and tilt my head confused. "Just follow me" he says and grabs my hand pulling me into the bedroom. He sits me down on the bed then turns and rummages through his bag. I swear he dug for two minutes before pulling out a tiny pink gift bag. I furrow my eyebrows, still confused and now a little skeptical. He hands it to me and I open the bag and is met with a red velvet necklace box. I open it and my breath is taken away. It was a two layer gold necklace. On the end of the shorter chain was a diamond "S" and on the longer chain was a diamond "P".

The necklace:

(Like this but with a "S" and a "P")

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(Like this but with a "S" and a "P")

I look up at him and see the same huge smile which makes me smile big. I still hadn't said anything because I was so shocked. I stand up and wrap my arms around his torso. Gavi puts his arms around me and just holds me. We stay like this for a moment. "Did I do good?" He asks, breaking the silence. "The P stands for Pablo, me, and the S stands for Savannah, you" he chuckles like I didn't already know what they meant. I lean into him more and push him over so we are now laying on the bed with our legs hanging off the end as if we were sitting up. Gavi had kept his arms secured around me. "I love it" I say finally speaking up "I really love it" then I jolt up and stand up. "You look good," he says, looking me up and down. I hear a knock at the door.  "Thanks Lauren gave me this outfit actually" I say smiling then walking out to answer the door.

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