Super Copa

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"Super Copa" Pedri said to me as we boarded the plane. "If it is the Spanish Super Cup... Why isn't it in Saudi Arabia?" I asked him. "Nobody knows," I heard Ansu say behind me. We walked down the aisle and found a seat. I saw Gavi sitting in the aisle and I walked over to him. "Move your legs" I said, but he didn't move at all. I bent over and moved them for him. I then dropped down onto the seat and pulled my AirPods out.

It had been a couple of hours and most people were doing their own things (or asleep). I stood up to stretch my legs, but was pulled back down to Gavi. I thought he was asleep, but apparently he wasn't. "Where are you going?" He whispered in my ear. "Nowhere. Just stretching" I rolled over so I was now laying on top of him. He closed his eyes and I just laid there.

After a while I pulled out my phone and went back to what I was doing. I put in an AirPod and started to watch 'Gilmore Girls' again. "I wanna watch" I heard someone whine. I looked up to see Balde was standing over us. I motioned him to sit down in the seat I started in and handed him an AirPod. I moved off of Gavi a little bit and leaned over on him, so he could see better. After a while Ansu and Pedri walked over asking if they could watch. I said yes again and we all squished in.

At this point Ansu had my computer in front of him, so we could all see. I was half asleep on his shoulder, but I kept sitting up to stay awake. Somewhere in there I must have drifted off because the next thing I know people were talking and moving around. I opened my eyes to see that we had landed and the 5 of us were all asleep squished together. "Come on guys. Wake up" I said, pushing all of them and making them stand up.

We all got up and made our way off the plane to cars where they drove us to our hotel. It was beautiful. We got out, walked, and made our way to the front. This is where we saw all the people. They had these beautiful flowers for the players. I wasn't really expecting anything seeing as I wasn't a player, but a little girl came up and handed me a flower necklace. I thanked her and put it on. She was so cute.

I walked over to the boys and we made our way to our rooms. I had my own room and Gavi, Pedri, Ferran, and Ansu all shared a room. "I don't want to be by myself." I pouted as they walked to their door leaving me behind. Gavi turned to me "come on and say with us. Us and Ansu can squeeze together." he smiled and I ran over to him and grabbed his hand. "Woah I don't want to share a bed with the love birds. I would rather sleep on the couch" he said, crossing his arms. Ferran unlocked the door. "Okay" I said to him and walked into the room. 

I went over and flopped down onto the bed staring up at the ceiling. "I can't believe that you guys are in the Super Copa final. We should do something" I said, sitting up and looking at them. "We have to win first," Ferran said, giving me a sarcastic attitude. "I know" I said and fell back onto the bed.


"GOALLLLLL'' I yelled. Gavi had just scored his first el clasico goal and I was so proud. He ran over to me on the sidelines and hugged me. "I love you" he said before his teammates reached him and started to celebrate. I loved being able to be on the field. It added spice to the game. The game went on and it ended 3-1 with Pedri and Lewy also scoring. When the refs blew his final whistle Gavi and Pedri both fell down on the field in celebration. I ran over to them and laid down next to them too. "You did it!!" I said patting them both on the backs. "You are the Spanish champions' ' I yelled again over the very hype crowd. They both rolled over and smiled, taking in what was happening around them.

After a couple of seconds we all stood up. "Good job guys' ' I said to them before running off to Balde and Ferran who were celebrating too. I was standing there taking it in too when I remembered that I had something. I pulled it out and put it around me, making the boys smile. It was the half Spanish half USA flag Gavi had given me a while back. "O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave." I yelled over the guys. They looked at me confused. "What I am feeling patriotic" I giggled.

(For all those who don't know that is the last line of the USA national anthem)

We had been standing there for a while waiting for the stage to get set up. After it was over they did the typical celebrations. Once those were over the trophy was passed around to all the players to take pics with. Gavi signaled me over. "What's up?" I said as I approached him. "We have to get a pic together" he smiled and put his arm around me. We took the picture and he tried to hand me the trophy. "No I didn't win it so I don't get to touch it. Just like the World Cup" I said to him, backing up. He rolled his eyes but smiled and handed it to Pedri.

We all celebrated for a long time at the stadium before dispersing back to the hotel. We got back and all the boys were surprisingly still full of energy. "We should go out," Ferran said, jumping up and down. I rolled my eyes and looked at the clock. It was already 11:00 pm, but I knew there was no way we weren't going out.

After a little bit of getting ready I had put on a cute outfit. I was wearing a brown dress with a black jacket and chunky boots.

 I was wearing a brown dress with a black jacket and chunky boots

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(Outfit is from Pinterest)

I walked out into the room to see the boys finishing up their fits. "Let's go!!" I yelled and we all walked out the door.

We pulled up to a restaurant and got out. Since Saudi Arabia is a dry country (meaning they don't allow drinking) we were just going out for dinner. It was such a fun night. Since nobody really knew who we were, nobody came up to talk to us or ask for photos. It was nice to be real people for a night. We had just finished eating when I got a notification. I looked at it in shock for a moment. "What" Ferran asked, seeing the look on my face from across the table. I didn't respond, instead I just clicked on it. It was a note from my favorite teacher from high school. It was him telling me how he saw me on tv tonight and how proud he was that I made a happy life for myself. I could feel tears coming up. "I need to be excused for a second '' I said, breaking free of Gavi's grasp and walking outside. It had to be like 1:00 am now, but I didn't care. I just flopped down onto a bench and looked up at the stars.

I was thinking about how crazy it was that even though it is so far away I still looked at these same stars back at home when I was a kid. I could feel the tears coming on. It only took a second before the first one fell and after that it was water works. I just sat there crying. "Come on let's go" I heard the boys say from the door. "We already paid" Blade said. I got and walked over to them. Gavi wiped the tears of my face and kissed me. We then made our way to the cars and back to the hotel.

When we got into the room everyone took showers and got ready for bed. Ansu kept his word and slept on this large couch in the room. This meant that Gavi and I had the bed to ourselves. He had gotten into it with me and pulled me back so that he was spooning me. Not long after that, his breath steadied out and he fell asleep. I on the other hadn't did not. Instead I just looked out the wall of windows to the sky and looked at the stars again. I swear at that moment I was transported back to Girl Scout camp as a kid. I could smell the campfire and as I looked at the stars I had a weird sense of peace. It was like all the suffering had gone through because my family was gone. I was just peaceful.

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