Maria and Pablo

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" Ok so I don't want to bring up any bad feelings, but Pablo Torre's little sister is coming to the game today and I already said that I would bring her onto the field." I said to Gavi while we were standing in the kitchen getting ready for the game. "Maria? I love Maria. You should stick to your words." He said which sent a wave of relief over my body. I was glad that I didn't have to let this little girl down.

We got in the car and drove to Camp Nou. It was an El Clasico game and to say I was excited would be a horrible understatement, I was almost exploding. We walked into the locker room and were sitting there because we still had a while until we had to get ready.

After a while Pablo Torre walked and I jumped up to run over to him. "Where is she?'' I asked, basically jumping up and down. "Here I can take you to her." He responded and we walked out of the locker room. We were making our way down the hallway when I felt someone grab my hand. At first I thought it was Pablo Torre, but when I looked over, I realized Gavi had followed us out.

We walked up to the boxes where the family could sit and I heard a squeal. I turned around to see that Maria was running over to me. Before I could think, I bent over and picked her up as she laughed. I couldn't help, but break into a huge smile as I spun her around and she laughed. Pablo's mom came up to me and hugged me. "It is good to see you again Savannah!" she said. I nodded, but kept my eyes on Maria.

After we said hi to his whole family, the three of us walked out of the box and back down to the locker room. Usually I would go in, but I didn't want to take her when the boys were changing. So, I walked her out to the field first. When we made it to the door, her eyes lit up and she bolted out. Tons of fans had already shown up and I didn't know what to do. In the end I ran out with her and chased her around the field.

After a while Gavi walked out to find me. At first I didn't notice him, but when I heard a group of teenage girls scream, I looked over to see him watching me as played with her. He had the 'i love you' look on his face. I picked up Maria and walked over to him. When I reached him, I set her down so she could run to Pablo, who was at the top of the stairs. "Hi '' I giggled as I wrapped my arms around him. "Hi" He said back as he kissed my forehead. I smiled up at him, but was shaken out of daze by the same girls who were calling him earlier. They were shouting things at me like "bitch" and "whore". I just took a deep breath and pretended not to hear them as I walked back inside.


I dressed Maria in the warm up kit that they were wearing and we went to find her a seat on the bench. I gave her some juice and a little coloring book. While she was busy, I walked over to Xavi to talk to him about something. I was in the middle of a conversation when I looked up at the stands and a familiar face caught my attention. It was an old golf coach. Him and his wife were sitting in th4e front row and I excused myself from the conversion to go say hi to them. As I got closer, I saw that he had a box with him. I was confused on how he got it through security, but still got closer. After the three of us had an emotional hug, he handed the box to me. I opened it and saw it was a state trophy. "You never grabbed it before you left and I thought you would want it,' He said to me. I laughed and raised it above my head as if it was the world cup. I was so happy to finally have it back in my possession.

Gavi's POV

I was warming up with the team and one minute Sav was helping Maria get to a seat. Suddenly , the next minute I looked over to see her talking to a guy and a girl who looked to be in their mid 20s. I watched closely as they hugged and he pulled out a box and handed it to her. She opened it and pulled out a trophy. Interested in what was going on, I walked over to her.

When I got to her she smiled and motioned to the trophy. "This is my golf trophy I won". She said with the biggest smile on her face. I smiled back at her and she let me hold it. It was actually pretty heavy. While I looked at all the engravings on it, she spoke. "This Is my boyfriend, Gavi. he plays for barca. Number 6." Both their mouths fell open. "Wow you got a pro athlete!!" the women said to her as she smiled. "yes , I did." She responded.

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