The Fall and The Girls

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We get to the door and gavi runs up to open it for me. I give him a half smile. Once we actually make it into the building it turn to him "I have to go get the content creation phone from my office then I will be down at the fields today." Gavi smiles at me and nods his head in agreement.

I walk into my office and no matter how many times I do it, I still am taken aback by the view. After a second of staring there I walked over to the stand which held the phone. I picked it up and walked out. I was walking down the hallway when I felt my phone vibrate. I didn't really think anything of it and thought I would read it Later After all, I am not a brain surgeon and no one needs me that much.

I walk out onto the field and am greeted by a ball flying through the air and hitting me. I hurt, but not too bad. It's like when you were a kid and scraped your knee and it burned only for a second. When I opened my eyes, which I closed due to impact with the ball, I saw my mom standing there? I was confused. Maybe it was someone else, but then she started talking to me. She told me that I had to make sure to put the dishes away and feed the dog. I started to get scared. How is this happening? I stand up and start to talk to her. "Ummm mom what are you doing here?" I ask her and she looks more confused than how I feel. "Umm sweetie what do you mean we are standing in my house right?" I looked around and realized we were standing in my room. I start to freak out. "Had I dreamt my family dying and me moving to Barca?" I whispered to myself under my breath. I nod and tell her I am going to put the dishes away. Before I open the door I turn around and run to hug her. She hugs me back and in that second I knew this was real life. I turn around slowly and start to walk and once I open the door and step into the hallway everything turns white. I can hear a familiar voice calling my name. This time I open my eyes for real and see Gavi and Ferran standing over me looking concerned. Gavi is saying something to Ferran about being more careful. I sit up and Gavi finally takes notice that I am awake. I looked to the other side of me to see the whole team standing there looking at me, even though Xavi was trying to distract them.

Gavi squats down next to me and asks if I have a headache. This is when the injury induced dream came back to me. I started to cry remembering how real that hug was. I could feel my eyes filling with water and I swallowed hard trying to hold them back. Without even thinking I reach out and grab Gavi. I pull him down into a sitting position and lean my head on his chest. I cry. It felt like hours. He just sat there with his arms around me, he was holding me and it felt like nothing bad could touch me for the time I was with him. After a couple of minutes. I feel his chin on the top of my head. I looked up at him with sad eyes to see that he was crying too. Between sobs I start to mock him "why are you crying I am the one with the dead family I just saw vividly in a dream?" He looks at me even more concerned and chokes out a "I saw your head hit the wall behind us hard when you fell. I am crying because with an Injury like that I thought you were gone." I cry a little more, but then stand up. I shake off everything that has happened. Luckily the way we were sitting no one else could see us. So, when we stood up people started cheering because they thought we were making out behind the wall. I quickly ended those rumors and with a laugh started filming content.

I was sitting in my office and I looked up at the clock. "Oh crap!!" I say ''gathering my things''. I was supposed to meet Pedri and Gavi outside 10 minutes ago. I stand up really fast and lose my balance a bit. Not enough to fall over, but I knew I needed a doctor for the hit I took today.


Last night was uneventful. Pedri dropped me off and Gavi made sure I made it to my door. Then he left to, but not without another kiss on the cheek. I woke up this morning and got dressed. Now I am here sitting in the office waiting for the tik toks we made yesterday to upload. I was in my zone when I hear a knock at the door. I lift my head from behind the computer to see Ferran standing there with two, really pretty, girls standing behind him. I stand up in confusion and the all step forward. Ferran is the first to say "Savannah I want you to meet my girlfriend, Sira". My face loosens immediately and I smile at her. My attention then turns to a blonde girl behind them. "And I am Mikky,Frenkie's Girlfriend" I smile at her too. Then I notice they are all looking at me "Well hello, my name is savannah and I am the fc Barca's social media's girlfriend" I say with a giggle and I look and see everyone laughing. It felt good. When I was a kid I was known for being the class clown, but it had been so long since I mad people laugh. So ya, it felt good.

Ferran abruptly stands up "well I will leave you to your gossip" he kisses Sira and walks out. I look at the girls. "Sit down, I don't like how formal this is" I say with a smile.

It had been an hour of laughing and gossiping about the team. Mikey looks at Sira and she nods. "Savannah we are having a girls night tonight and would love it if you came," Mikky says, turning to me and smiling. "Yes, where are we going?" I say, looking back at her. She has a devious smile and all she is saying is "out." Then she looks at the clock on her phone and freaks. Sira stands up abruptly too and tells me that they have an appointment. They both thank me for the fun time before running out. Luckily I got their numbers earlier.

I turn my attention back to the computer when I hear another knock. I look up to Gavi standing there sweaty and everything. I look at him confused but he looks at me confused too. "What?" I mutter out. He finally gets his breathing under control "training ended early remember?" He says "we were supposed to meet by the car a half an hour ago." I flinch at how late I was and start to apologize. Gavi smiles and forgives me a little too easily. We walked out to the car. I hop in and we start to drive home. Pedri looks at me though the rear view, "going to any ragers tonight since we have tomorrow off?" Him and Gavi giggle. I was never known for loving to party and like to rub it into my face. "Actually yes, I am going out with Sira and Mikky tonight." I made sure to put air quotes when I said "out". They stop laughing and look at me to see if I was telling the truth. I fake smile back at them and they go silent realizing I was telling the truth.


Pedri had driven me home, but insisted that I owed them the ice cream in my fridge for making them wait so long. I let them come in and eat. I was standing in my room trying on dresses. I had decided on a light blue short bodycon dress, with flowy sleeves. I loved the way it made me look. I then threw on the shoes that I had worn to the team dinner. I went crazy and even did my makeup.

 I went crazy and even did my makeup

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( dress is from Lucy In the Sky)

I walked out into the living room feeling confident, the boys were playing video games on the console that I had for some reason. They both turn their heads at the same time and stop in their tracks. I look down at the dress and look back at the two guys staring at me in awe. "What?" I ask genuinely confused "is something wrong?" They shake their heads no at the same time. I continue to stand there waiting for an answer. Finally after many moments of awkward silence Gavi speaks up. I don't know what I expected but all he could muster out was "wow". I smile and mockingly say "wow" back. Then kiss them both on the cheek goodbye before walking out to mikky's car.

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