The Modeling Gig

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A/N: Ok so technically in the story it is still winter, but lets just forget about the cold for these next few chapters. I need it to be summer, but I don't want to have another time jump. I hope your imaginations have a good time! 

I slowly opened my eyes. It took a second to remember where I was, but when I rolled over it clicked. After the dinner we went to last night the boys had come back and spent the night at our house. We had a little movie night and it was actually pretty fun.

I was laying on the couch next to Gavi, but he was still asleep, so I slowly scooted out of his arms. Once I safely got out of his grasp, I walked into the kitchen. I guess I hadnt really noticed that there was anyone missing because when I walked into the kitchen I was jumpscared by Pablo Torre sitting at the table.

When he saw me he smiled and I walked over to sit down next to him. "You are up early" I said while scooting out a chair. "Yeah I couldn't really sleep, '' he responded. I nodded and we both fell silent.

"Hey since it is still pretty early, do you want to go grab some coffee before the boys wake up?" he asked, breaking the awkwardness between us.

Pablo Torre' Pov

"Hey since it is still pretty early, do you want to go grab some coffee before the boys wake up?'' I said it before thinking. After taking a second I realized I probably shouldn't have asked because I knew Gavi wouldn't like it.

Some of the guys had told Gavi that I had a small crush on Sav and ever since then he has been super weird about us hanging out. I really liked her. Her laugh made you laugh and her smile made you smile. Anytime she would move it was so graceful. She was so thoughtful, for example when she gave that little girl her bracelet when we got off the plane coming back from the super copa.

"Yes!!" she said with a smile that melted my heart. I could tell she was still a little sleepy as we snuck past the boys and out the door.

When we got to the car I started to drive. It started off silent but slowly we warmed up to each other and by the time we pulled into the drive through we were laughing so hard. "Venti Black coffee for me please" Sav said while mindlessly putting her hand on my arm. I tried to focus on what the worker was saying, but her hand was so soft and her warmth melted my heart.

We got our order and were in the middle of a conversation when Sav got a call. She turned her phone over and I could see it was from Gavi. my heart dropped when i saw 'Mi Amor" was her contact name for him. I mean I expected it, but it still hurts.

"Hello?" she said, answering the phone. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but her response was. "I am fine. Just getting coffee with Pablo." Gavi said something else before they exchanged I love yous. She hung up and i looked at her. "What was that about?" i asked. "Nothing, he just didn't know where I was," she said to me, but kept her gaze on the road ahead.

It was pretty cold and Sav was only wearing a crop top and shorts. So, when I saw her shiver, I grabbed a sweatshirt of mine from the back seat and handed it to her. She put it on without thinking and omg she looked so hot in it. I loved how pretty she was without even trying.

It hurt me because I would never make a move on her because I know that Gavi was so in love with and I didn't want to hurt either of them, but with all that aside she still looked hot.

I pulled back up to their house and we both hopped out. When we walked in I heard the guys in the kitchen and Gavi were sitting on a chair in the entryway, waiting for us. When he saw us he gave Sav a kiss. "Amor can you go into the kitchen with the boys? I have something I need to talk to Pablo about." he said to her, but looked at me with a death stare. She nodded and kissed him on the cheek one more time before walking away.

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