My Family's Killer

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"Savannah, can you come over here!!" Xavi yelled to me from across the training fields. I was shooting videos for the team tik tok, but put it away and made my way over to him. I saw that a very handsome boy who, who couldn't be much older than me, was standing next to him. When I made it to him I could tell he had been smiling. "Savannah. This is your assistant Jackson." he said to me signaling to the boy. He shyly waved at me. "Hi, my name is Jackson Evans," he said to me. I knew I had heard that name before, but where?

"Can you show him around please?" Xavi said to me and I nodded. He then ran over to the team to continue training.

I gave him a tour of Camp Nou. everything from the main fields, to the training fields, to my office. He saw it all. I could tell he was a fan of barca by all the random things he knew. He was actually really nice and I enjoyed talking to him.

"So, what is your story?" I asked him once we made it to my office. "Well I am actually from the USA and I made some dumb decisions and some people got hurt. So, the second i was old enough i got out of there" he looked down and was fidgeting with his hands. "Oh I am from the USA too," I said , making him look up and weakly smile at me.

I realized soon after that it was probably a hard topic for him so I changed the subject and showed him around all the devices we used for content creation. The final step was to take him down to the field and show him what to do.

I led him out of my office and down to where the guys were. We were in the middle of me showing him how to use the big camera when Gavi came over and threw me over his shoulder while running back to the group. He sat me down in the middle of the field and everyone laid down around us. "What are you doing?" I asked the group of guys that were now laying around me. "Nothing we just love you" ferran said in a mocking tone.

After a while of laying there with the guys, Jackson walked over. "Excuse me" he said, making the whole team look at him. "Can we continue?" I jumped up. "Yes, so sorry. Come on let's go '' I said to him while leading him away from the boys.

After I was done showing him what to do he went home. It was only supposed to be a training day. Nothing special. After he left, the boys took a lunch break. We all went and sat down. Everyone had a full plate of food, but I was too tired to eat. "What is up with you?" Balde said sitting down next to me. All I did was groan.

I liked Jackson, but something about him just nagged me. I know I know him from somewhere. His name is so familiar I just couldn't place it. 'Well who is he?" Pedri said and everyone looked at me for an answer. "He is my new assistant," I said very sarcastically. They all nodded slowly, really thinking about what I had just said.

I leaned my head on Gavi's shoulder while the rest of them ate. I was so done with today.


We had just gotten home and I had changed into comfy clothes when Gavi came in. "Some of the guys are coming over and you are welcome to join us" he said to me. I nodded and then laid down in bed. He stood there for a second like he wanted to say something, but then walked out.

I laid there for a while before, once again groaning, and standing up to find something better to wear. I picked out an oversized crew neck and some booty shorts. I don't really care what I was wearing because no matter what, the guys had definitely seen me worse.

I walked downstairs and heard some talking in the living room. I walked in to see the usual gang laying around the living room. They were all drinking and playing FIFA. they all said hi when i walked in, but overall were all into the game they were playing.

I walked over to the couch Gavi was laying on and flopped down on top of him. He shifted a little bit so I could get comfy. Today was the worst day I had in a while. I don't know why because nothing bad happened. I just wasn't happy. I was laying on him and he had his arms around me and both his hands on the controller.

I just laid there thinking about where I knew Jackson from. It had really been bugging me because I had heard his name before, but where?

It had been a good hour since I had laid down. I wasn't drinking because I already felt bad. I didn't need a hangover, making it worse. Suddenly it hit me. I made an audible sound as I sucked all the air out of the room. I sat straight up making Gavi let go of me.

All the boys turned to look at me. My face was ghost white and I was zoned out. I was overtaken by the emotions. The boys came over to me, but I didn't respond. It was like I was unconscious, but my eyes were still open. I was woken up from my daze by Gavi shaking me (gently).

When I came to my senses the only thing I could say was "where are the papers about my family's killer?" I asked Gavi, knowing that he put them somewhere safe. They all looked more confused and concerned than before. "Umm, I'll go get them," he said slowly and surely.

After a couple of minutes he came back with them and I instantly started looking through them. When I found it, I stopped dead in my tracks. There on the paper was the name of my family's killer. In big bold black text was the name "Jackson Evans."

Gavi's POV

All the guys and I were super confused. She just sat there staring at this one spot on the paper. I tried to lean over to look at what she was reading, but she just threw the papers at me and ran for her phone. She called Xavi and started yelling at him about how they had to fire her assistant. Everyone was so confused as to why she was freaking out, but I picked up the paper to see the name of her assistant listed as the killer.

I gasped and showed the guys. It was like a lightbulb went off and everything made sense. "That guy was their killer?!" Eric exclaimed. "I guess so," Pedri nodded in response. Then we all went silent. Letting the noise of Sav freaking out fill the room.

About 10 minutes later she walks back in with a crazed look on her face. I stood up and went over to hug her. The moment my arms touched her, she softened and started to cry. All the guys gathered around, comforting her, through this weird time.

We all just laid there silently as she cried and cried. It took her a while, but eventually she got tired and fell asleep. We all made sure to be quiet so as to not wake her while I carried her upstairs and tucked her in. When we got back downstairs we started to drink and play videogames again, but there was this weird tension in the room after everything that had happened.

Slowly the tension went away and we were just some buddies parting it up. I was mid game when I heard the doorbell ring. I handed my controller off to Blade and stood up to get it. When I opened the door I was met with the face of the guy from training, more specifically Saves family's killer.

"What do you want?" I said coldly to him. "I want to explain to her what happened," he said back to me, making sure to look at his feet. "No. in fact I think you should never talk to her again. '' I said, shoving him back a little bit and slamming the door in his face.

"What was that about?" Pablo Toree asked right after I came back into the room. "He showed up asking for her" I said a little in shock at how dumb he was. They all paused and looked at me like I was lying. "I am being so for real" I said back to their shocked faces.

I was conflicted on whether I should hate this man or not. I mean he caused Sav so much pain it is not even funny, but also if he wouldn't have killed them, she would have never moved here and I wouldn't have met the love of my life. I felt bad for having these thoughts, but they were serious questions.

I shook them off and yawned really big. This was the first time I had realized how much I wanted to be with Sva right now. I rolled off the couch, without the boys noticing, and walked upstairs to her room. I walked in and saw that she had broken out a stuffed bear that her sister owned. I knew how bad she was hurting when I saw it on her bed. The only other time I had seen her with it was when Sira and Mikky had gotten into a car accident.

I hopped into bed next to her. I moved a piece of hair out her face and admired what was in front of me. I felt so bad she had to suffer, but I knew this is what was going to make her stronger. I hugged her super tight making sure she knew she was loved. I didn't sleep at all that night. Instead I just laid there and thought of all the ways I was going to kill this guy.

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