My Childhood Home

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After we had unpacked the first thing that Gavi and Pedri wanted to do was go eat. "What food is around?" Gavi asks, directing his attention to me. I look at him "anything" I say with a straight face. I don't know what I was expecting, but they look at each other and smile before starting to giggle." We want real American food". I look at them confused. "What is real American food?" I ask, looking at the giggling boys." Hamburgers and hot dogs" they chant. I smiled at them knowing just where we were going to go.

We walk into a restaurant and I pause at the door to look round. They stop and wait for me to take it in. "Wow, uncle beef's (the name of the restaurant) I haven't been here in so long." I say looking at the boys standing infront of me. This is actually the top hangout spot for the kids at my high school. I smiled and smiled. Then I walked up to the counter and recognized the clerk. She smiled at me. "Savannah we have been waiting for you top come back". Funny story about the people that worked there, since josh and I came here so often we were on a first name basis. I can feel the sides of my mouth start to form a smile, AGAIN. "Three Sons" I say. It was a Meal that Josh and I had come up with. We ordered it so much that they just put it on the menu to remove the confusion. I then walked around the counter to hug her. I can see from the corner of my eye that pedri had pulled out a credit card. I open my mouth to stop him, but before I can speak. "Oh no Savannah and her friends don't pay" the girl says and I pull her back into a hug.

We had taken a seat and I was talking to them about the places I wanted to go tomorrow. "The bean, Voges chocolates, the American girl store, and Lake Michigan." I said while eating my food. It was better than I remember. I know I was talking to them, but my eyes were focused out the door. Then I saw face and all the air left my body. I practically throw the table over in order to get out. I run and scream "MACKENZIE" she smiles at me and braces herself for impact. I jump into her arms and she hugs me back. "Finally come to your senses and come home?" She asks. I explained to her that I was visiting for old times and sake and walked her over to the table so she could meet both Gavi and Pedri. I introduce them and as she shakes gavi's hand. " oh you're gavi the guy that has stolen Savannah's heart" she says dramatically. I smack her as I feel my cheeks warm up. I knew it was true, but I didn't want the whole world knowing.


Gavi's Pov

It was the next morning and we were all standing in the living room dressed and ready to go. "Let's go" she chirps out practically running out the door. She had a big smile on her face the whole elevator and car ride. I couldn't help but smile at her, she just looked so cute when she was excited. She took us all over the city. We went to ....

The bean

Michigan avenue

John Hancock building

Lake Michigan

Millennium park

Voges chocolates

The American Girls store

Lincoln park

The lake front trail

By the time we had finished it was about 6 at night and Pedri was pooped, but I was determined to keep my energy up. "Bro I gotta go lay down" Pedri says yawning. "But I don't want to go back yet" Sav says to him while pouting. "We have been out for 10 hours though." Pedri says flopping down on a bench. I could tell he really wanted to go back. "How about I you go back, I stay with Sav, and I will text you when we need you to come get us" I say trying to reasonable with the two tired people standing before me. "Yes that is perfect" they both say in sync and start to laugh.

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