New Bestie?

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"Sav wake up!!" I heard someone whisper shout to me as they lightly shook me. At first I thought it might be Gavi, but I could still feel his chest rising and falling because I had laid my head on it. I, confused, opened my eyes to see that it was Sira. "Oh shoot" I exclaimed, jumping up.

Today was our shoot that we had with Marissa. I was actually really excited. I always remembered as a kid watching the models in fashion shows. I never thought that I would ever be like them. Gavi stirred around after I stood up, but ultimately stayed asleep.

I threw on a simple outfit because I knew I would change when I got there. It was just some blue sweat shorts and a white crop top.

 It was just some blue sweat shorts and a white crop top

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(outfits if from pinterest)

I then walked back out into the living room and collected my stuff before walking out the door with Sira. It was pretty early in the morning and it was a tad chilly. I could smell the grass that was growing around us. It really took me back to my golf days. My favorite times were early mornings on a golf course. I shook off the sad feelings because I was too excited for this shoot.


We pulled up to the beach and hopped out. It was another bikini shoot. We walked over to the group who was set up on the sand. When Marissa saw me she smiled and came over to us. "It is good to have you Savannah. we loved how your lost mini shoot turned and are excited to see what you can bring to the table" she said sticking her hand out to shake mine.

After our introduction she walked through what the day would look like. After she showed me around she showed me to my mini dressing room/ hut that they had set up. "All your looks are in there and labeled by number. Put #1 on and then walk over there to put on makeup and hair" she told me, pointing to a row of vanities.

I walked in and picked up the one labeled #1 and put it on. It was actually pretty cute. It was yellow and it had flowers on it.

 It was yellow and it had flowers on it

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(outfit is from pinterest)

After I put it on I did as I was told and walked over to the makeup and hair station. I sat down next to a blonde girl who looked really nice. I kept catching her looking at me, but when I would look at her, she would look away. After a little bit I decided to talk to her. "Ugh it's going to be a long day '' I chuckled. "Yeah-" she said shortly before pausing. "Is your name Savannah Monroe?" she asked me. "Yeah" I responded with a bright smile, but it didn't compare to the one that showed up on her face. "I am a huge fan of you and Gavi." Right when she finished talking the lady doing my hair and makeup tapped me signaling she was done.

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