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"Put on a nicer outfit, we have to get to Camp Nou now," Gavi says, running into my room and ripping the blankets off of me. "But we just got home from training. What could they need?" i said annoyed but getting up anyways and looking for something to wear. I threw on a pink top and a pink skirt.

(outfit is from pinterest)

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(outfit is from pinterest)

I left my hair down because Gavi was practically pulling me out of the door.

All three of us were in the car. I could see from the back seat that Gavi was restless. It looked like he could run a 5K right here and now with no trouble. "What's going on?" I asked them if they were tired of the secret. "We can't say because we don't want to jinx it," Pedri explained to me in front of the driver's seat. I slumped back and crossed my arms, annoyed. We were just there and now we have to go back. I was pouting when Gavi stuck his hand back and grabbed mine.

We pulled up to Camp Nou and Gavi was actually pulling me. I didn't care though, but this better be good. When we walked in, the whole La Liga council was sitting in the meeting room. I looked at Gavi confused and then at Pedri. It only took me .5 seconds to realize what was going on.

"We understand that we rejected your contract last week, but the steps that the club is taking to make room for you makes us happy, so we have decided to award you the contract and the new number, '' some old guy with whitish hair said to us. I was flabber gasted and so were the two boys. After giving us a couple of moments to process the news, Xavi stood up and pulled out a #6 jersey. "I am honored to have you wear this after me" he said and handed it to Gavi.

After he did that he pulled out another one and handed it to me. "We thought you might want the updated number too" he said with a smile. I took it and just looked at it. This is petty, but to be honest i hated the way #30 looked in photos, so i was more than happy to take #6. "Thankyou" I said and put it on.

After they figured out all the legal stuff, we went down to the field to film promo shots for the socials. It was the most fun I have had in a while. The three of us just laughed and had fun as I shot the content. After a while, and tons of photos and videos later, we decided it was time to leave. "Wow this is so cool" i said to him one more time before we walked off the field.

Gavi's Pov

I got a call from xavi that I needed to come down to Camp Nou right now. I was a little annoyed because we were just there, but there was no saying no to him. I had just set the phone down and told Pedri I had to go back. "Congrats" he said to me standing up and bro hugging me. "What do you mean?" I looked at him confused. He smirked a little bit. "Well Xai is meeting with the La Liga council right now to appeal their decision and I have a feeling that it worked" he said to me and I felt this weird sense of clarity.

Ever since they had declined my contact last week, everything felt heavier. I felt my dreams being ripped away from me. So for there to be any chance that they would, in fact, be coming true. I was fracking out.

I ran upstairs to get Sav. I could tell she was annoyed with me (having to go back and all), but I knew she would feel better when she realized what it was for. We had all piled in the car and I was a nervous wreck. I kept popping my knuckles and fidgeting. I just wanted to know if I should get my hopes up or not.

Sav asked Pedri something, but I was out of it and I couldn't hear her. All I saw was her leaning back in her chair. All I could think of was the smile she would have when she found out it was official. Without thinking I reached my hand back and held hers. It was warm and soft. I calmed me down just a little.

We pulled up to Camp Nou and I didn't even wait for the car to stop. I jumped out and pulled Sav out with me. I was dragging both of them with me. Through the parking lot and into the building to the meeting room. When I got in there it was silent and for one split second I felt that I wasn't going to get it, but this old guy stood up and delivered the best news ever.

Sav and Pedri just stood there in shock. Xavi stood up and pulled out a #6 jersey. "I am honored to have you wear this after me" he said to me. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as my childhood idol told me he was proud of me. He wasn't done though. He pulled out a second one and handed it to Sav. In that moment the big smile I was picturing took over her face.

She put it on and I had a moment where everything made sense. Seeing her there in my official first team jersey with that big smile, melted my heart. Once we went over all the legal stuff like signing papers and payment, the guys shook my hand before walking out.

It was just the three of us in the room together. Sav finally pulled me into the biggest hug ever. All I could do was put my arms around her and hug her back. She didn't know it yet, but everything I did to further my career was for her and our future kids. I did it all so that they could have no care in the world whatsoever.

After the very long and intense hug we all went down to the field to take pics for the social media. The three of us were having so much fun being stupid and shooting the most random shots.

Once we had laughed everything out of us we decided it was time to leave.Pedri and walked away from the field and I was going to follow him, but Sav pulled me back. She gave me a big kiss and while our foreheads were still pressed together she told me how proud she was of me. She was proud of me. Wow!

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