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Gavi's Pov

I woke up slowly. I opened my eyes to See Savannah was pressed up against me and I was spooning her. I had my arms wrapped around, but she also had her hands holding them close to her and our fingers were intertwined. I smiled at the realization that she had grabbed my hands. She looked so peaceful laying there probably in the best dreams because she had a little smile on her face. I wanted to get up, but I also wanted to lay in her bed and hold her for the rest of our lives. My life has been moving so fast that since our kiss a couple of months ago I hadn't really thought about our relationship. In that Moment though I instantly knew what I wanted. I closed my eyes and could picture her as my built in best friend. She would come to all my games and travel with us all over the world, but even though that all sounded desirable the real thing that made me smile was the picture her and I, after I retire, with our kids on the beach in the USA. I don't know why, but I have always wanted to move there and she mentioned that when she is older and with a family of her own, she wanted to move back. I was okay with that. As I look at her peacefully sleeping I knew that one day I would marry her and give her the world.

I snapped out of my daze to my phone vibrating. It scared me because I didn't want Sav to wake up. I swiftly grab it and look down to see a notification from Xavi, I click on it, it was an email that wrote, "today the president of the club will be visiting our training. Please wear the black and blue set." I groaned. I knew that when the president came, so did his daughter, Anita, who I used to date and who slapped Savannah at the team dinner. Anita and I had a rocky past. Before I was against having a girlfriend, I met her, I was in the hay day of my career. It was right after the World Cup and everyone was talking about me. She loved it, the media attention she got from dating me. Once it wore off she broke up with me because "I wasn't the same". I knew it was because she wasn't getting attention anymore. I moved on really fast and she hated that. She started to become obsessive, even though she broke up with me. Then I met Sav and I didn't care what Anita did to me because I had found someone who made me feel safe. The night she slapped her I drove Anita home and yelled at her for an hour before leaving to go to Sav's house.

I was sitting there thinking about this when Savannah started to move. She turned over and hugged me like a three year old does their favorite teddy bear. "Hi" she says while opening her eyes. I immediately throw my phone down and hug her. "Hi" I say back and she lets out a giggle. She then stands up and walks to the bathroom.

Savannah's POV

I had just woken up next to Gavi and I was now standing in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and was reading my emails. I clicked on an email from Xavi telling me that the president would be there today and that I should shoot some content. I laughed. He knew just what the fans wanted and I listened. We worked together perfectly. I set my phone down, spit out the tooth paste and walk back into the bedroom. Gavi was standing up and putting a different set of clothes that I guess he brought even though I never saw him with an overnight bag last night. I walked into my closet and picked out a matching black workout set, I then threw on a white sweater that I loved, and grabbed a tote back.

The outfit:

(this photo is from pinterest so I don't know where the clothes are from)

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(this photo is from pinterest so I don't know where the clothes are from)

I packed up the things I would need for the day. I walked back to the bathroom to brush my hair into a high pony and braided it. The last thing I did was curl my lashes and put on chapstick. I smiled at myself. I started to really love how I look. When I walked out into the living room I saw Gavi standing there holding my bag and a cup of coffee. I smiled, walked up and grabbed the stuff, hugged him, and we walked out the door together.

We got to Camp Nou and I got out of the car. For some reason there was paparazzi, maybe because the president was coming. Gavi put his arm around me and we walked into Camp Nou not even acknowledging them. He walked me to my office because we still had some time before we had to go down to the field for training to start. I get in the office and set down my stuff. Gavi walks in behind me and sits down on a couch that I had in there, but never used. I picked up my phone and saw that Josh had texted me an article. With the caption "you have been caught". I was confused and clicked on it. When it was loaded I saw photos of Gavi and I from the dinner, the nike store, and outside this morning. The headline was "Gavi and some girl who works for Fc Barca spotted together often. Is this a power couple on the rise?" I had to laugh when I read "power couple". Gavi looks at me and I just look at my phone and text him the article. A couple minutes later he laughs too. "I mean I wouldn't mind being a power couple on the rise" he says with a smirk which causes me to choke on my water. I just looked at him, then at the clock and freaked. "Training starts in 3 minutes" I say frantically. Gavi jumps up and we run out of the room. We were able to reach the team just as they were walking out. No one really notices us running up, so we just pretend like we have been there.

We all walk out on the field and are greeted by Xavi. I pull out the phone to start recording a tik Tok. In that moment the door behinds up opens and a group of men walk out. Xavi tells all of us that he is the president. I recognized him from the dinner. I hear a gasp come from the group as Anita, the girl who slapped me, steps forward. She looks me up and down. I just stand there frozen. I feel Gavi put his hand on my shoulder, but this makes her mad. She turns to her dad and says "fire her ''. I look at her in shock. What is her problem? I had never even heard of this girl before she attacked me. Her dad looks at her then at me then at her again. "If she leaves I leave." I heard pedri say behind me. "Yeah" they all yell out. Ferran yells "and if you think it will be hard you are wrong". I was surprised by this, but just stood there not wanting to mess anything up. Anita is still giving me the death stare when I hear Gavi start to talk. " Anita, I think you should stop coming with your father when he comes to visit. You are not welcome amongst us. You used me and burned bridges' ' Gavi is talking and my eyes keep getting bigger. "You did this to yourself". She looks at her dad and when he doesn't say anything she storms off in a fit of rage. I turn to Gavi and hug him. Everyone takes this as an invitation to a group hug. I smiled the biggest out of all of them. These boys loved me and I loved them.

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