"I Love Her So Much"

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I was laying there running my hands through Gavi's hair and scrolling on Tik Tok when I got a dreaded text. It was from Xavi and he informed us that tonight we would have another team dinner. It started at 7 and it was currently 5:30. I decided to get up and let the boys sleep for a little longer. I did some makeup and went over and squatted down by my suitcase looking for a dress to wear. I pulled out a black dress that had some mesh peeking out of the top and threw that on.

(as always the dress is from Lucy In The Sky)

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(as always the dress is from Lucy In The Sky)

Then I stood up and put on chunky heels. I really didn't feel like going to another team dinner, but I loved the guys and knew they would show me a good time. I curled my hair and pulled into a sleek back ponytail. I finished off my look with the necklace Gavi gave me and some simple gold hoops. I turned to the boys, still asleep on their beds, and was thinking about how to wake them. "WAKE UPPPPPPPPPP '' I yelled and they shot out of bed alert. They were so tired it took them a whole 3 minutes to even realize I was full glam. When they did they all looked at me with the same confused face. "Team dinner at 7 and we leave at 6:45" I tell them "suits are required. Seeing as it is 6:15 you might want to get a move on it." They were running around like crazy trying to get ready, but somehow they did. At 6:40 we all went down to the lobby and waited for a car to arrive. We were sitting on the couch in the entryway and I was leaning on Gavi because even though they got sleep, I didn't and I was tired, jet lagged, and hungry. We walked out the doors when we saw a car pull up. Of course there were Paparazzi everywhere yelling at us. Even though I got better at managing them, they still always made me a little nervous.

We pulled up to a skyscraper and got out. We walked into it to see all the guys standing there. "Hello the best human ever has arrived" I said as I walked up to them. Ansu rolled his eyes, but hugged me nonetheless. We were all standing there talking when Xavi appeared. "I need everyone to follow me, '' he said, signaling us to follow him to the elevators. We took turns riding them up until we were on the floor right below the roof, 45 floors off the ground. The restaurant was booked out for us and when we walked in the walls were lined with windows and you could see for miles. I ran over to the window and looked out at the city. Even though this wasn't the city I grew up in, I still felt all red, white, and blue seeing how pretty my country could be.

We were all sitting and eating. I had toasted ravioli and a Shirley temple. Gavi was sitting next to me, but he had excused himself a while ago. I didn't realize how long he had been gone until I was done eating and I looked over at his untouched plate. I pulled out my phone and texted him a simple "where are you". I got it a text back almost instantly. "The roof" I looked around for an entrance to the roof. I saw a door and went up to it. I saw that there was a set of stairs leading up and decided to try. I walk through the door and up the stairs and am met with a really cool rooftop garden. The sun had set and so I couldn't see the best but I definitely saw Gavi sitting on a bench facing the city. I walked up to it and sat down. He looked at me, but I looked at the city. We just sat there in silence, comfortable silence, but silence nonetheless. I didn't want to be the first one to talk, so I waited for him to go first. Since it was night time I was a little chilly. I could feel the goosebumps on my arms as I ran my hands up and down them to warm them up. Gavi must have noticed because he took his suit jacket off and put it around me.

We had sat there quietly for about 5 minutes when he spoke up. "I am glad you followed me up here because I have something for you" he handed me a gift bag. I grabbed it and looked at him with a mixture of confusion and love. I opened it and gasped. It was the bag I had seen in the window. I sat there in shock "this bag is two thousand dollars!!!!" I said looking at him in shock. "I like to spoil the people I love," he said back. I looked back at the bag, it was simple and white with a gold chain.

(It wouldn't let me insert a photo of it, but if you look up "EASY POUCH ON STRAP" on the LVX website you will be able to find it )

I loved it, but most importantly I loved him. I leaned into him and he put his arm around me. I held the bag close to my body, this was the nicest gift anyone had ever given me. It was the most thoughtful gift anyone had ever gotten me. I don't know what I was thinking, but with all the emotions going through my body, my brain was blurry. In a flash I had sat up and turned my body to face him. Our faces were so close, I could feel him breathing harder. I wanted to make the first move, but I was so scared. Instead Gavi leaned forward and connected our lips. I got the same butterflies I did the first time we kissed. I liked this one more though. It was softer yet stronger and it didn't feel as desperate as the last one. He put his hand on my face holding me close to him. I stuck my hands into his hair. It was a magical moment. I wanted it to last forever, but we were interrupted by the sounds of drunk teammates coming up to the roof. I pulled back and noticed some of my light pink lipstick was on his face. I rubbed it off fast and we stood up just in time for everyone to get up to the roof.

It became a whole party we were singing and dancing. Someone had even started playing music on their phone. I was having a great night, Gavi wouldn't leave my side, making sure to keep a hand on either my back or my hip at all times. After Hours of this, Xavi told everyone it was time to leave. It was a great night, but I was whopped. We all funneled down the elevators and into cars. I leaned my head on Gavi's shoulder, I started to close eyes, but Ferran woke me up. "Hey, I didn't even notice. Are you wearing Gavi's jacket?" He asked me looking between the both of us. I didn't care. I leaned my head back on Gavi's shoulder and with a smile on my face I closed my eyes and said "just friends Ferran" I then leaned into Gavi's ear and whispered "maybe". I opened my eyes to see Gavi blushing. He put his arm around me and I fell asleep. Gosh I was falling asleep everywhere. Something about the safety of Gavi was to blame. I just knew that even asleep he would protect me.

Gavi's POV

We were on the ride back to the hotel and I had Sav asleep on my shoulder. once Ferran noticed she was out he took the chance to ask "did you give her the bag?". I looked up to see pedri looking back at me from the front seat. "Yes and she loved it" I said to the two of them. "And your jacket? Why is she wearing it?" Pedri says signaling to Sav. "She was cold and I didn't want it to ruin her gift opening experience. Besides my shirt is long sleeves and I was kind of hot anyways" I said to the two of them. "Yes you were" Ferran says giving me a suggestive look. I didn't acknowledge his comment.

We had just pulled up to the hotel and even though it was around midnight the paparazzi was still out and in full swing. I tried to wake Sav but every time I tried to pull away she cuddled closer to me. At some point I just decided we were getting nowhere and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I carried her in. Some paparazzi started to yell and I shot them dirty looks and told to quiet down. Her warmth made my heart melt even though I wanted to rip their heads off.

We got to the room and set her on the bed. At this point I was a pro at removing makeup I made sure to do a thorough job. While Ferran and Pedri were in the bathroom brushing their teeth I pulled out her Pjs and put them on her. God she was so hot. After that I got out of my stuff and got ready for bed. When I walked out into the room I saw that she had taken off her shirt and was laying in her bra and sleep shorts. I looked at Ferran and Pedri. "She was half awake and was blabbing about being too hot" Pedri said. " we tried to get her to put on back on, but she wouldn't and then she passed out again. I sighed and moved her back on the bed and tucked her in. I moved the hair out of her face and kissed her on the forehead. I then got in bed and she scooted back. Something about her bare skin touching me made me feel good. Not in a seductive way, but more of a heart melting way. I loved taking care of her. I loved that she needed me. I spooned her and she pressed up against me, putting her warm skin up against my chest. I loved her so much and I knew I would marry her someday, I would hold her like this every night. I fell asleep that night the happiest person on the planet.

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