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I hopped in the car and they both turned to look at me. "Not this again Gavi and pedri just did this to me in the apartment" I groaned looking at their shocked expressions. Mikky Doesn't say anything except start the car. Sira paused for a moment, turned forward, then spoke up "speaking of Gavi and Pedri.... Ferran was telling me about how head over heels Gavi is for you" Sira is speaking, but I don't believe her. Why would Gavi care about me at all? I laughed off her statement, but she looked at me and asked if I liked him. "I mean Yeah I think he is cute, sweet, and perfect, but I don't think he really likes me back." I look at Sira and she is already looking at Mikky. They both smile and fall silent again. We pull up to a club and I look at it. I sigh I hate drinking. Well, let's be honest I have never done it. "Ugh I am not getting drunk tonight" I look at Mikky and Sira again they smile at each other. This time though Mikky spoke,"come on Savannah you need this" I hated to admit it, but she was right I have been so uptight recently and it felt nice that people wanted to me to unwind. I smile and hop out of the car. Then all three of us walk into the club.

Gavi's Pov

Pedri and I have just gotten home from Savannah's when I get a call from Mikky. I was confused and answered it. when I pick up she immediately starts talking "Savannah got carried away and is really drunk. We need you to come pick her up because Sira hurt her ankle and I have to take her to the hospital." I am sitting there in shock. Luckily the club they went to was a few minutes away. I shove pedri out of the car and start speeding that way.

I show up to the club and start to look for Savannah. I can't find her. I look to my left to see two dudes holding up a girl who was obviously wasted, they start to walk towards the door with her. That is when I see the blue dress."OMG that is Savannah" I say to myself and run up to them. I stop them and ask if they know this girl. They laugh at me and try to walk around me. I get mad and punch one of the guys in the face. He falls back and the other guys let go to make sure he is okay. They weren't big dudes at all. In fact they looked younger than me. I grab Savannah right before she falls and then I pick her up bridal style. It wasn't a short walk to the car, but Savannah was light. When I got to the car I noticed that she was asleep in my arms. I set her down softly then text Pedri that I will need backup when I get home. I hop in the car and drive off.

We pull up to the complex. Savannah had woken up and was talking about God knows what. When we pull in the apartment complex parking lot, I see Pedri standing there. I pull up to the door and grab Savannah as he takes the car to go park it. She doesn't want to be picked up. So this time she just leans on me as we walk. I know this may sound twisted, but I loved that she leaned on me. I loved that she needed me. When we walk into my apartment she bee-lines for my bathroom. I walk into my room and grab some pj shorts and a shirt. I can hear Savannah throwing up through the bathroom door. I burst in and to my surprise she was in only her bra and underwear. I looked around and saw her discarded shoes and dress thrown about. I reach for her hair and sit there rubbing her back. Once she is done I help her up and help her put on the clothes I had picked out. I grabbed the makeup wipes that I had actually bought in case I had to take care of drunk Savannah. I wipe it all off doing exactly what I did last time. I then bring her into my room, she practically falls onto the bed and I cover her up. I was walking to the door when I hear a very faint "Wait" I turn to see he eyes wide open. "Please lay with me" I felt weird doing it. As much as I wanted to run and pull her into a hug, it just didn't feel right knowing that she was so out of it. I do it anyways. The second I lay down she turns over and put her arm crossed my chest pulling herself to lay alongside me. I wrap my arms around her. After a couple of minutes I hear her breath steady out. She had fallen asleep and I was not to far behind her.

Pedro's Pov

I had just gotten back from parking the car and to my surprise I heard nothing. I walk into the bathroom and see her dress and shoes spread out throughout the bathroom. I picked them up and folded the dress. I put it into a nike bag that we had as a small treat. I then walk into the living room. They aren't there either. The last place I checked was Pablo's bedroom. Ding ding ding. I found them. Pablo was laying normally, but he had his arms around her as if he was trying to protect her from the world. She had her face pointing into her neck, so I couldn't actually see if she was awake or not. By the looks of it though they were both out cold. I walked over and snapped a pic. I immediately sent it to the team group chat. Pablo may kill me in the morning, but everyone has to see this.

Savannah's Pov

I woke up with a pounding headache and no memory of going home. I feel that I am being held up against something warm. I look to see a pair of arms wrapped around me. I move slightly to see gavi cuddled up next to me. I smile, but even though I wasn't still soooo wasted I had still yet to sleep the drunkness off. So, I closed my eyes and drifted back off into sleep.

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