Together At Last

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Gavi's pov

I was so out of breath, but I had to make one more push for the goal. The fans were cheering and my legs were moving so fast. At just the right moment I pushed the ball through  and it swished in the back of the net. Suddenly all of my tiredness went away and I ran over to Sav, who was on the side lines taking pictures, I ran up to her and started doing the dance that we had choreographed. The cameras were in our faces and I knew that people would love this. I gave her a hug and ran back out in the field. Since we were in the USA we took the chance to play their pro soccer teams. I think this one was called "New York City FC '' which makes sense as we are in New York. Then the game ended 2-0. I shook hands with the other teams and then walked to the locker room.

I had a weird feeling the whole game, as much as I loved to play. All I wanted to do was be with Sav. I didn't care about the game. I wanted to be with her and her beautiful blue eyes. We had a pow wow at the end of the game and then I grabbed my stuff and walked out to her, who was standing there. I smiled and opened my arms as she ran and jumped on me. I picked her up and spun her around as wrapped her legs around my hips. "You did great!!" she giggled to me as I set her down. "I got you something" she said, digging through the purse I got her. She then paused and pulled something small out of her bag. I couldn't exactly see what it was. "Close your eyes'' she put her hand over my eyes and I felt a little tug on my shirt. "Ok" she said, taking her hand off my face. I looked down to see an American flag pin attached to my shirt. "You are an honorary American because you scored in the USA." She said and playfully hugged me again. "Thanks" I responded and we started to walk out to the bus. We were heading straight for the airport to fly to Chicago. Which was our second stop on the USA tour.


We pulled up to the airport and got out of the bus, which was parked on the runway. We all shuffled on to the airplane. Since we had JUST played a game we were all sweaty and tired. Xavi talked to us a little but then we all went about what we were doing. I was sitting next to Sav and since it was a short flight no one wanted to go to sleep. We were all going to wait until the giant house were all staying in. I looked over to see Sav was watching a movie. She must have noticed that I was looking because she took out one of her AirPods and handed it to me. The movie was funny, but let's be honest I was watching Sav. I like her so much and watching her smile light up when something funny happened made my heart melt. I put my arm around her and she leaned into making sure not to drop her computer off her lap. The flight was only about 3 hours long, so right when the movie ended we landed. We all got up and like dead corpses we walked off the plane. We were all so tired.

Savannah's POV

We were all in the cars going to the house. The only thing we knew about it was that it was big enough to hold all of us, but OMG it was bigger than I had ever expected. It was a stone mansion and when I had a picture in my mind of what I wanted to live in when I was older, this was it.

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